Bachelor of Environmental Engineering
In the first three semesters, broad-based basic knowledge in the natural sciences, engineering, economics and law is imparted. In the following semesters the students should acquire specific knowledge in the field of the protection of the three "abiotic compartments" soil, water and air, the circular economy and the remediation technologies and get to know the corresponding methods and procedures. The individual design of the course and the preparation for a more advanced master’s degree is made possible by choosing and concentration in "Environmental Systems" or "Environmental Technology" and the choice of in-depth focus subjects from a wide range. After an interdisciplinary module (FÜS) and the bachelor thesis, the course is completed with the first professional qualification "Bachelor of Science".
A mobility semester is planned as part of the course in the fifth semester. You can choose between a full-time or part-time industrial (national) internship or a semester abroad. In this way, the acquired knowledge is used for the first time in related companies, authorities or research institutions and has the opportunity to deepen it. The diverse challenges in the environmental sector can only be solved across borders. The stay abroad gives you the opportunity to get to know other cultures and to expand and apply knowledge on an international level. Last but not least, there is an inestimable value in the development of personal softsklils, such as learning another language, developing a cultural understanding, creative problem solving and building international friendships and networks.