Head of Wireless Systems

Prof. Dr. Peter Langendörfer
Main building
Tel.: +49 (0) 355 5625 350
Fax: +49 (0) 355 5625 671
Prof. Dr. Peter Langendörfer holds a diploma ("Evaluation of systems of persistent objects for realizing object oriented specifications") and a PhD ("Design of configurable code generators for automatic generation of efficient protocol implementations", 2001) in computer science.
Since 2012 he has his own Chair of security in pervasive systems at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. In 2013, Prof. Dr. Langendörfer received the Research Transfer Award of the BTU Cottbus. Since July 2020, Prof. Dr. Langendörfer holds the Chair of Wireless Systems at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (formerly BTU Cottbus).
At the IHP - Leibniz-lnstitut für innovative Mikroelektronik he led the group "Sensor Networks and Mobile Middleware" until July 2020. From July 2020 Prof. Dr. Langendörfer has taken over the position of the head of the department Wireless Systems at the IHP - Leibniz-lnstitut für innovative Mikroelektronik. The team of the Wireless Systems Department currently consists of 29 scientists and 10 student employees.
Prof. Dr. Langendörfer is highly involved in EU projects especially in the following security related EU projects e.g. WSAN4CIP, TAMPRES, SMARTIE. Strokeback which he was leading to name just a few. He was chairing international conferences such as WWIC and has served in many TPCs for example at Globecom, ICCCN, Trusted and ICCAD. He is AE of IEEE Access, and editorial board member of P2P Networking and Communication and IEEE Internet of Things Journal. His research interests include wireless sensor networks and cyber physical systems, especially privacy and security issues.