The Chair of Wireless Systems is a joint professorship with the IHP - Leibniz Institute for Innovative Microelectronics in Frankfurt (Oder).
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Langendörfer is the head of the Cyber-Physical System Engineering department (formerly Wireless Systems) and also holds the professorship in Wireless Systems.
The department's research agenda is: Enabling a trustworthy, reliable and intelligent cyber physical world. Heading for this vision, we contribute to the state of the art by:
- Providing a design methodology for resilient, trustworthy, reliable, intelligent cyber physical world systems
- Researching AI approaches that enable devices/machines to deal with unexpected situations
- Researching AI means for self-monitoring, self-optimization, self-healing , prediction of future system states
- Researching multi input cognitive sensors (MICS) to improve e.g. situation awareness, self-monitoring etc.
- Researching and providing core components for resilient systems i.e. components for decision making, security, redundancy, self healing etc.
The investigations are addressing all application fields in which resource constraint devices are used in a network, these are the Internet of Things (IoT), e-health, Industry 4.0, agriculture 4.0 and environmental monitoring. Thus, energy efficiency, security, reliability and resilience are the core research topics. The group Total Resilience researches questions concerning metrics for resilience, how to test the level of resilience achieved, as well as methodologies for developing resilient CPSoS.
The department consists of three groups as detailed below.
Security & Resilience Engineering |
Intelligent IoT Systems |
Proactive Systems |