Health promotion for teachers in Brandenburg


01/2019 until 06/2021

Many studies show that teachers are more frequently affected by mental and psychosomatic illnesses compared to other occupational groups (e.g. Hasselhorn & Nübling, 2004; Scheuch, Haufe & Seibt, 2015). Mental and psychosomatic illnesses are among the main reasons for early retirement of teachers (Scheuch et al., 2015; Weber, Weltle & Lederer, 2004). The percentage of teachers taking early retirement due to disability was twelve percent in 2016 (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2017). In addition, research findings show that teachers' emotional exhaustion has a negative impact on students' motivation as well as their academic performance (Arens & Morin, 2016; Klusmann, Kunter, Trautwein & Baumert, 2006; Klusmann, Richter & Lüdtke, 2016).

Main publications

Bilz, L., Fischer, S. M., Hoppe-Herfurth, A.-C., & John, N. (2022). A consequential partnership: The association between teachers’ well-being and students’ well-being and the role of teacher support as a mediator. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 230(3), 264-275.



Burkhardt, B., Hoppe-Herfurth, A.-C., John, N. & Bilz, L. (2021). Gesundheitsförderung für Lehrkräfte – Inanspruchnahme von gesundheitsförderlichen Maßnahmen im Setting Schule. Das Gesundheitswesen. eFirst.

Hoppe-Herfurth, A.-C., Burkhardt, B., John, N., & Bilz, L. (2021). Two aspects of health literacy and their importance for the use of health-promotion measures by teachers in the school setting. Health Education. eFirst.

Project management at the BTU

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz

Project Team

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz Birgit Burkhardt Anne-Cathrin Hoppe-Herfurth (SHK)
