The Iron structures of the State Hermitage St. Petersburg
Survey, analysis and assessment in the context of the early European Steelwork
The State Hermitage St. Petersburg is among the most famous museums in the world. But one importance of its impressive set of buildings around the former Winterpalace of the russian tsars for is almost unknown: All the roofs and floors are shaped by iron structures, which were erected after a devastating fire within a few years since 1838. In terms of their volume, their variety of structural application and the different „structural handwritings“, these iron structures are to be characterised as outstanding and unique objects from the period of early structural steelwork. With the ongoing project, for the first time the mentioned structures will be systematically recorded and documented. They are very often preserved in their original state and together with the evaluation of the comprehensive archive material, the details of their history of design, erection and repair can be revealed. The particular focus is on the interpretation and assessment of the solutions for structures and details apparently quite strange from nowadays perspective. The aim of the analysis is to understand the constructor’s intentions and strategies while using the new material iron. The comparison with selected European steel structures of the same period allows the identification of different cultures of technology. The transfer of technology and knowledge between European countries is a topic as well as the impact of regional structural traditions, the capability of the Russian iron industry and the profile of the engineering education in Russia during that period. The project combines the methodical approaches known from the Construction History as well as from the Building Archaelology („Historische Bauforschung“). According to the character of the objects, the established methods of the Building archaeology will be extended by engineering-specific components like structural survey, analysis and parametric studies for the comprehensive analysis of the quality of the engineering design.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lorenz
Person in charge
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Heres
Handling period
2nd Phase of a long term research project
Dr.-Ing. Sergej Fedorov, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg
FundingDAAD, DFG
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