Dr. phil. Frank Rochow
Teaching Associate and Postdoctoral Researcher
Building 2B, Room 0.22
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
T +49 355 69 3117 (Office of the Chair)
Office hours: by appointment
Frank Rochow studied Policial Science and History (B.A.) at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (Germany) and European Cultural History at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt / Oder (Germany).
In 2016 he worked as a project assistant for European Heritage Volunteers.
In 2017 he coordinated the German-speaking M.A. programme “German and European Studies” at the National University of Kyiv - Mohyla Academy in Kyiv (Ukraine). In the same year, he joined the doctoral programme IMPRS ANARCHIE at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and the Martin Luther University in Halle / Saale (Germany). He defended his thesis on Architektur und Staatsbildung. Festungsbauten als Instrument habsburgischer Herrschaft in Krakau und Lemberg in 2022, and in 2024 was recognized by the Polish Academie of Sciences with a special award.
From 2016 to 2019 he was an associate of the doctoral programme “Habsburg Galicia and Its Multicultural Heritage” in Vienna (Austria).
In 2021 he worked as academic assistant at the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO) at the University of Greifswald (Germany).
Dr. Rochow joined the Chair in Architectural Conservation as Research Associate in January 2023.
Frank Rochow engages as a volunteer with the Service Civil International and European Heritage Volunteers.
Focus Areas
- Architectural History of the 19th Century
- Architecture and Cultures of Remembrance
- Military architecture
- Construction history
- Central and East Central European history and culture
Journal articles
Rochow, Frank. Challenges of modernity and their responses – The military dimension of modernising the Habsburg Monarchy in the 1850s, in: Armenteros, Carolina / Hein-Kircher, Heidi / Sterkenburgh, Frederik Frank (eds.): Modernizing the Unmodern: Europe’s imperial monarchies and their path to modernity in the 19th and 20th centuries. (forthcoming in 2024)
Rochow, Frank: Habsburgische Militärarchitektur als gesamtgalizisches Erbe, in: Lushaj, Dana/ Rozmus, Joanna/ Remestwenski, Yuriy (eds.): Was bleibt von Galizien? Kontinuitäten – Brüche – Perspektiven, Göttingen 2023, pp. 255–271.
Rochow, Frank: Theophil von Hansen’s House of Invalids in L’viv. The quest for an appropriate style, in: Hartmuth, Maximilian et al. (eds.): The Governance of Style. Public Buildings in Central Europa, ca. 1780-1920, Vienna/Cologne/Weimar 2023, pp. 185–208.
Rochow, Frank. Die räumliche Erscheinungsform des Neoabsolutismus – Militärarchitektur in Lemberg und Wien in den 1850er Jahren, in: Journal of East Central European Studies, 2/2019, pp. 157–188.
In Preparation
Die Militarisierung des urbanen Raums durch Architektur. Lemberg in der Zeit des Neoabsolutismus, 1849-1859, in: Cole, Laurence / Berger, Elisabeth (eds.): Garnisonsstädte in der Habsburgermonarchie. Militär und Zivilgesellschaft im langen 19. Jahrhundert. (in preparation)
Conference Papers
“The wider context! Habsburg fortifications beyond their local heritage value“, Conference “Heritage on the Margins“, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 29-30 November 2023.
“Die Revolution von 1848 überwinden - Instrumente zur Wiederherstellung von Ruhe und Ordnung im habsburgischen Galizien“, 54th German Historians' Day, Section “Falsche Sicherheiten“, Leipzig, 19-22 September 2023.
“Vom Ereignis zur Erinnerung. Theoretische Überlegungen zur zeitlichen Sedimentierung von Stadtzerstörungen“, Conference“Die zerstörte Stadt zwischen Zäsur und Kontinuität“, Hamburg, 12-13 May 2023.
"Accommodating the nation within the empire. The negotiations between central state authorities and local stakeholders about the fortification at the Kościuszko Hill in Cracow in the 1850s”, 4th International Congress of Polish History, Kraków (Poland), 19-22 October 2022.
"Exercising Habsburg rule in Krakau – The role of the military and fortifications for imperial state building after 1848”, Conference „Warring for the Nation. Armed Conflicts, Mass Mobilization and Nation-Building in East-Central Europe between 1789 and 1922”, Budapest (Hungary), 10-11 October 2022.
"Militarizing Habsburg Urban Space – The Dynamics of De- and Re-Militarization of Lemberg in the 1840s and 1850s”, Conference of the European Association for Urban History, Antwerp (Belgium), 31 August-03 September 2022.
"Channelled antagonism or fruitful cooperation? The Military Commission of the German Confederation and the negotiation about the Rastatt fortress in the 1840s”, Conference „’Towards A Brave New World’ Rebuilding Europe after Napoleon, 1815-1853”, online, 08-09 April 2022.
"Negotiating aesthetics. The House of Invalids in Lemberg between European style and local adaptations”, Conference „The Aesthetics of Public Service”, Vienna (Austria), 13-14 February 2020.
"Architektur und Herrschaft. Gesamtstaatskonzeption und militärische Präsenz in den Grenzprovinzen des Habsburgerreiches, 1849-1859“, 4th International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History, Berlin (Germany), 28 April 2017.
"Die räumliche Erscheinungsform des Neoabsolutismus“, 2nd Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation, Warsaw (Poland), 28-30 November 2016.