Prof. Dr. Johanna Blokker
Chair in Architectural Conservation
Building 2B / Room 0.12
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
T +49 (0) 355 69 3992
Office hours: by appointment
Johanna Blokker studied art and architectural history as well as music at McGill University in Montreal and at the University of Toronto before joining the doctoral program at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Her dissertation addressed the reconstruction of Cologne's destroyed Romanesque churches after World War II: in an analysis of the public debate surrounding the treatment of the city's destroyed architectural heritage, she revealed how this heritage was mobilized and appropriated in the service of a range of political positions on Germany's history and identity, and was thereby assigned a decisive role in local processes of negotiating the past. In 2019, she completed a habilitation project that investigated American funding and support for building projects in postwar Germany that were aimed at developing a pro-Western, democratic mindset and at strengthening the former enemy as a bulwark against the Soviet East. The project was awarded the University of Bamberg Habilitation Prize for 2019.
In additional research projects and publications, Prof. Blokker explores the discourses of heritage as they relate to cultural and memory politics, most recently in the context of conservative cultural critique by right-wing groups in Germany. These topics are central to her teaching at the Brandenburg University of Technology, where she took over the Chair in Architectural Conservation in 2021. A further area of focus centres on encounter and exchange among heritage cultures across national and territorial boundaries, topics she pursues in cooperation with a number of partners abroad.
Prof. Blokker is a member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, the Memory Studies Association with its Working Group on Memory and Populism, DoCoMoMo Germany, and the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation (AKTLD).
Academic history
since Oct. 2021 Chair in Architectural Conservation at BTU
2019 Habilitation in Art History, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bamberg
2018–2021 Assistant Professor (Akademische Oberrätin) with the Chair in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
2012–2018 Post-Doctoral Researcher and Instructor (Akademische Rätin) with the Chair in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
2011 Doctorate in the History of Art and Architecture, Institute of Fine Arts at New York University
2004–2011 Adjunct Instructor at The New School University in New York, at New York University, and at the University of Cologne
1999 Master of Arts in the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Toronto
1996 Bachelor of Arts in in the History of Art and Architecture at McGill University in Montréal
Focus areas
- Heritage politics
- History and conservation of 20th-century architecture
- Adaptive reuse of historic buildings
- Reconstruction in Germany after the Second World War
- Architecture, memory and identity
- Architecture and photography
Current Projects
- Buildings of the Allied Occupation in Western Germany (1945-1955): The heritage of democratization in Germany's architectural landscape, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- cultural heritage in democratic processes
- cultural heritage in populist right-wing discourse and practice
Blokker, Johanna. (Re)Constructing Identity: World War II and the Reconstruction of Cologne's Destroyed Romanesque Churches, 1945-1985, doctoral dissertation at New York University. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest / UMIDissertation Publishing, 2012.
Edited volume
Blokker, Johanna, Carmen M. Enss and Stephanie Herold, eds. Politiken des Erbens in Urbanen Räumen. Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag, 2021.
Journal articles and book chapters
Blokker, Johanna, Sylvia Claus, Alexandra Druzynski von Bötticher and Albert Kirchengast. "...in die Jahre gekommen": ECA-Entwicklungsbauten in Stuttgart, 1952-53, in: Deutsche Bauzeitung 11 / 2024, pp. 42-48.
Blokker, Johanna. Challenging Monuments: Heritage conservation and the difficult legacies of colonialism (chapter), in: Architectures of Colonialism. Constructed Histories, Conflicting Memories, ed. Vera Egbers, Christa Kamleithner, Özge Sezer and Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir (Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2024), pp. 231-244.
Blokker, Johanna. “Building a Global Citizenship from Cultural Heritage”?, in: Inclusive Citizenship als Zugehörigkeiten, Praxen und Acts - Empirische Befunde und theoretische Diskussionen, ed. Dirk Lang et al. (Springer Gabler, forthcoming).
Blokker, Johanna. Kolonialgeschichte – ein Teil der Landesgeschichte Nordwestdeutschlands?, in: Aspekte des Kolonialen in der Geschichte Niedersachsens und Bremens, Jahrestagung der Historischen Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, 17.-18. Juni 2022 in Cuxhaven, ed. Henning Steinführer et al. (Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, forthcoming).
Blokker, Johanna. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil des Digitalen für Denkmalpflege und Gesellschaft, in: Zukunftsfragen – Perspektiven für die Denkmalpflege, VDL-Jahrestagung 2022, 15. bis 18. Mai 2022 in Münster, ed. Gisela Woltermann (Darmstadt: wgb Theiss, forthcoming).
Blokker, Johanna. Heritage and the 'Heartland'. Architectural and urban heritage in the discourse and practice of the populist far right, in: Journal of European Studies 52, issue 3-4 (special issue on European Heritage and Citizenship), ed. Astrid van Weyenberg, Sabine Volk and Margriet van der Waal, September 2022, 219-237.
Blokker, Johanna. "Its evil day must come at last": Heritage conservation and the challenge of ruins, in: Thinking Through Ruins. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Functions, Interpretations and (Mis-)Uses of the Past, ed. Enass Khansa, Konstantin Klein, Tarek Tawfik and Barbara Winckler (Berlin: Kadmos Kunstverlag, 2022): 72-95.
Blokker, Johanna. Rückwärtsgewandte Utopien. Rechtspopulismus und Erbe, in: Denkmal:Emotion. Mobilisierung - Verbindung - Verführung (=Proceedings of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation, vol. 30), ed. Gerhard Vinken and Stephanie Herold (Holzminden: Mitzkat, 2021): 25-29.
Blokker, Johanna. Denkmalsturz und Denkmalschutz. Positionen der Denkmalpflege zum Umgang mit Denkmälern des Kolonialismus, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 40-41, ed. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Berlin: bpb, 2021): 27-33.
Blokker, Johanna. Heritage Communities and the Conservation of Heritage "below the threshold of significance for a monument", in: Politiken des Erbens in Urbanen Räumen, ed. Johanna Blokker, Carmen M. Enss and Stephanie Herold (Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag, 2021): 131-145.
Blokker, Johanna. Architektur als Medium amerikanischer Kulturdiplomatie in Deutschland: Die Dominikanerkirche in Bamberg, in: Bamberg: Militär und Stadt, ed. Gabriele Wiesemann and Sabine Freitag (Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2019): 135-163.
Blokker, Johanna. Die Denkmalpflege und das Digitale, in: Das Digitale und die Denkmalpflege (=Proceedings of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation, vol. 26), ed. Birgit Franz and Ingrid Scheurmann (AKTLD 2017): 24-31.
Blokker, Johanna. Heritage Conservation and Digitality, in: Forum Stadt 2 (2016): 189-206.
Blokker, Johanna. Was nach dem Kalten Krieg übrig bleibt. Umnutzung und Umdeutung der gebauten Hinterlassenschaften der amerikanischen Präsenz in Deutschland, in: Strukturwandel – Denkmalwandel. Umbau, Umnutzung, Umdeutung (=Proceedings of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation, vol. 25), hg. von Birgit Franz und Ingrid Scheurmann (AKTLD 2016): 114-121.
Blokker, Johanna. Remembering and Experiencing German Cities in Photographic Books after World War II, in: Paper Cities: Urban Representation in Photographic Books, ed. Susana S. Martins and Anne Reverseau (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2016): 191-214.
Blokker, Johanna. Habilitation Project: Architecture as a Medium of American Cultural Diplomacy in Germany Between the Second World War and the Cold War, in: Forschende Frauen in Bamberg. Beiträge Bamberger Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen 8, ed. Ada Raev, Iris Herrmann and Brigitte Eierle (Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press, 2016): 47-61.
Blokker, Johanna. From the Heritage of the German "Other" to the Heritage of the "Other" Germany: American policy on German architectural heritage between the Second World War and the Cold War, in: Das Erbe der Anderen. Denkmalpflegerisches Handeln im Zeichen der Globalisierung, ed. Gerhard Vinken and Carmen Enss (Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press, 2015): 49-57.
Blokker, Johanna. St. Kolumba in Cologne, Germany: A case of the elaboration or the elision of memory? in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Architectural History Network, ed. Hilde Heynen and Janina Gosseye (Brussels: KVAB, 2012): 193-195.
Blokker, Johanna. (Re)konstruierte Identität. Zum Wiederaufbau der Romanischen Kirchen in Köln, in: Geschichte in Köln 58 (2011): 211-228.
In preparation
The "Heritagization" of Democracy in Germany's Built Landscape (journal article).
Architektur und Demokratisierung. Bauliche Zeugen allierter Intervention im besetzten Deutschland nach 1945 / Architecture and Democratization. Built witnesses to Allied intervention in occupied Germany after 1945 (edited volume of conference proceedings).
Investments in Democracy. The Special Projects Program of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, 1949-1955 (monograph, Habilitation project at the University of Bamberg).
Bauliches Kulturerbe in der Besatzungspolitik der Westalliierten in Deutschland nach 1945 (journal article).
Peter Behrens and the Modern Theatre (article).
Conference papers and public lectures
"The 'Heritagization' of Democracy in Germany's Built Landscape", annual conference of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation (AKTLD e.V.), Coventry UK, October 2024.
"Vom Denkmal zum Heritage. Chancen und Herausforderungen eines Paradigmenwechsels für die Denkmalpflege", contribution to the monthly workshop hosted by DoCoMoMo Austria, Vienna / online, June 2024.
"Offene Denkmäler: Heritage-Making an einem Ort der Deutschen Demokratiegeschichte", contribution to the expert panel Räume, Architektur, Denkmal at the workshop to develop an Open Embassy for Democracy in the former Officers Club of the HICOG Housing Estate in Plittersdorf, Montag Foundation, Bonn, February 2024.
"Denkmalsturz oder Denkmalschutz? Positionen der Denkmalpflege zum Umgang mit Denkmälern des Kolonialismus", Cusanuswerk Graduate Research Group conference, Lingen / Ems, October 2023.
"Denkmalpflege Transkulturell" (Keynote). Kultur Erbe Aneignung - 7. Internationales Symposium zur Architekturvermittlung, Weimar, March 2023.
"Cultural Heritage Between Consensus, Contestation and Conflict" (Keynote). Contested World Orders, Bamberg, Dezember 2022.
"Heritage Conservation and the Challenge of Difficult Heritage" (Keynote). Without Obstruction: Monuments and Memorials of, not on the Land. 9th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, Berlin, September 2022.
"Building a Global Citizenship from Cultural Heritage?“ (Keynote). Inclusive Citizenship as Belongings, Practices and Acts. International conference organized by theLeibniz Research Center for Inclusive Citizenship (CINC) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on Citizenship, Hannover, September 2022.
"Denkmalsturz und Denkmalschutz. Positionen der Denkmalpflege zum Umgang mit Denkmälern des Kolonialismus". Unbequemes Kulturerbe? Inszenierungen und Diskurse des Denkmalsturzes in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Vortragsreihe des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes ,Wert der Vergangenheit', Leipzig, June 2022.
"Vom Nutzen und Nachteil des Digitalen für Denkmalpflege und Gesellschaft". Zukunftsfragen: Perspektiven für die Denkmalpflege. VDL Annual Conference, Münster, May 2022.
"The Power of Images in Conservation and Reconstruction" (Keynote). The Reconstruction of Post-World War II Europe through the Visual Arts, Paris, April 2022.
"Retrospective Utopias: Cultural heritage in right-wing populist discourse". CHER Closing Conference, Hannover, September 2021.
"Retrospective Utopias: Heritage in right-wing populist discourse". 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik / online, June 2021.
"Investments in Democracy. The Special Projects Program of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, 1949-1955". Architecture and Democratization: Overlooked witnesses to Allied intervention in occupied Germany after 1945, Bamberg / online, June 2021.
"Création numérique / Digital kreieren" (panel moderator), DIGIARCH2021, Zürich / online, March 2021.
"Denkmalsturz als Systemkritik. Der Bildersturm und die Black Lives Matter-Bewegung". Freie Universität Bamberg, Bamberg / online, February 2021.
"Rückwärtsgewandte Utopien. Rechtspopulimus und Erbe". Annual Conference of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation (AKTLD), Bamberg, October 2020.
"Heritage and Populism". Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, June 2019.
"Heritage in Contemporary Populist Discourse in Britain and Germany". Kulturelles Erbe und öffentliches Interesse. Deutsch-britische Perspektiven auf regionale Erinnerungskultur, Bayreuth, June 2019.
"Bauliches Erbe in der Besatzungspolitik der Westalliierten in Deutschland nach 1945". Habilitation lecture, University of Bamberg, April 2019.
"Architecture and Reorientation: The Special Projects Program of the American High Commissioner for Germany". Urban Renewal and Resilience: Cities in Comparative Perspective. European Association of Urban Historians (EAUH) 14th International Conference, Rome, September 2018.
"Die Denkmalpflege und das Digitale". Das Digitale und die Denkmalpflege. Annual Conference of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation, Weimar, September 2016.
"Konversion und Konservierung: Der Erinnerungswert ehemaliger Militärstützpunkte und die Möglichkeiten seiner Erhaltung und Realisierung". Workshop Ehemalige militärische Liegenschaften im urbanen Raum – Konversion für die Zukunftsstadt?, Bonn, May 2016.
"Was nach dem Kalten Krieg übrig bleibt. Umnutzung und Umdeutung der gebauten Hinterlassenschaften der amerikanischen Präsenz in Deutschland vor und nach 1989". Strukturwandel - Denkmalwandel. Umbau, Umnutzung, Umdeutung. Annual Conference of the Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation, Dortmund, October 2015.
"Photography and Memory in German Cities after 1945". Symposium Remembering Bombed Cities. Competing narratives and transnational perspectives. NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam, September 2015.
"Germany's Amerika-Häuser: Architecture in the Battle for Hearts and Minds". Lecture series Making America, presented by the Department of American Studies. University of Bamberg, June 2015.
"American Cultural Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of Germany after 1945". ESALA Research Seminar Series. Edinburgh University, October 2014.
"Urban Photography, Memory and the Simultaneity of Past and Present in German Cities after 1945". EAUH 12th International Conference on Urban History: Cities in Europe, Cities in the World. Lisbon, September 2014.
"Architektur als Medium amerikanischer Kulturdiplomatie in Deutschland nach 1945: Die Dominikanerkirche in Bamberg". Bamberg: Militär und Stadt. Öffentliche Vortragsreihe zur Bamberger Militärgeschichte anläßlich der Konversion. University of Bamberg, June 2014.
"Heritage in Ruins: Historic Preservation and the Legacy of World War II in Germany". Symposium Ruination and Conservation: Practical Perspectives on the Management of Architectural Heritage. University of Aarhus, September 2013.
"Architecture of the 1960s in Germany: A Difficult Heritage". Colloquium Modernism at Risk: 1960s Modern. University of Lund, February 2013.
"St. Kolumba in Cologne, Germany: A case of the elaboration or the elision of memory?" European Architectural Historians Network Second International Meeting. Brussels, May 2012.
"Peter Behrens and the Modern Theatre". Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Symposium 2012. Cambridge University, April 2012.
"Reconstructing Identity in Architecture: Cologne's Romanesque Churches after 1945". German Studies Association Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota, October 2008.
"Berlin and Dresden: Museum Architecture in Context". Conference Strategies for the Future of Culture: Dresden in Global Context. Dresden, October 2005.
"'Persistent Revivalism' and the Problem of the Past in German Medieval Architectural History after 1945". College Art Association 91st Annual Conference. New York City, February 2003.
Master's theses - first supervisor
Bayoumi, Salma Hesham (2024). Activist Archives and Exhibitions as Sites of Memory: The Case of an Egyptian Feminist Archive.
Joint Degree Master’s Programme in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of TechnologyCottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Mary Missak Kupelian, Helwan University, Cairo
Kotobelli, Robin (2024). Reactivating Heritage: Adaptive Reuse as an Instrument for the Conservation of Ruins.
Master’s Programme in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. phil. Alexandra Skedzuhn, BTU
Mansouri, Mahsa (2024). Adaptive Reuse of Historic Houses: The Exploration of Sustainable Urban Regeneration through Heritage Conservation in Isfahan.
Master’s Programme in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susan Draeger, BTU
Rizov, Martin (2024). Uses of Heritage Restoration and Heritage Creation: The case of North Macedonia.
Joint Degree Master’s Programme in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Mary Missak Kupelian, Helwan University, Cairo
Tabassum, Humaira (2024). Remembering the Past, Redefining the Future: Adaptive reuse of St. Laurentius church in Glücksburg, Germany.
Joint Degree Master’s Programme in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Mona M. Raafat El-Sayed, Helwan University, Cairo
Thiel, Maria (2024). Leben und Werk des Architekten Paul Thiel (1878-1911).
Master’s Programme in Building and Conservation, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Alexandra Skedzuhn, BTU
Ajo Sagredo, Diego (2023). Enhancing the value of a historic industrial heritage site: The case of the Fábrica de Papel y Cartón Wilhelm Schaub in Chiguayante, Chile.
Joint Degree Master's Program in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt
Secondary supervision: Dr. Mary Missak Kupelian, Helwan University, Cairo
Alves Ernst, Brenda (2023). Changing Meanings of Public Art in Changing Urban Space: The example of “Monovolume: Liberdade em Equílibrio” by Mary Vieira in Belo Horizonte.
Joint Degree Master's Program in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt
Secondary supervision: Prof. Rasha Metawi, Helwan University, Cairo
Asaeed, Saeed (2023). Using the Intangible to Rebuild the Tangible: Post- Armed Conflict Urban Heritage Reconstruction in the Al-Jdeideh Quarter of the Ancient City of Aleppo.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Elke Richter, BTU
Daitche, Julia (2023). Becoming Heritage. Change and transformation on the Teufelsberg in Berlin.
Double Degree Master's Program in World Heritage Studies und Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Deakin University in Melbourne
Secondary supervision: Dr. Virginie Rey, Deakin University, Melbourne
Engida, Bisrat (2023). Layers of Addis Ababa: Assessing the status of pre-1886 heritage sites in the heritage scene of Addis Ababa.
Double Degree Master's Program in World Heritage Studies and Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Deakin University in Melbourne
Secondary supervision: Dr. Virginie Rey, Deakin University, Melbourne
Fahami, Mahlaqa (2023). The Former Chemiewerk Factory at Rüdersdorf, Germany: An Alternative Conservation Approach for a Former Industrial Site.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Leo Schmidt, BTU
Hoffmann, Rabea (2023). Worth preserving? An Examination of the Built Heritage of Slums and Concepts to preserve its Cultural Value.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Katelyn Williams M.A., CIEE Global Institute Berlin
Lee, Anna (2023). Heritage in Transition: Adapting historic public libraries to meet modern needs.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir, BTU
Vowles, Emily Jane (2023). Senzeni Na? Why Rhodes must continue to fall: In defence of decolonial fallism.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Miriam Friz Trzeciak, BTU
Al Hasan, Mohammad Abu (2022). 60 Years of Antarctic Heritage under the Antarctic Treaty: Designation and Protection of Human Heritage in Antarctica.
Joint Degree Master's Program in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt
Secondary supervision: Prof. Mona M. Raafat El-Sayed, Helwan University, Cairo
Kadu, Mangesh Madhav (2022). Calendrical Systems as a Subdomain of Intangible Cultural Heritage According to the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. jur. Thomas Köstlin M.A., Exponatus Ausstelllungsmanagement
Kleftogeorgou, Vasileia (2022). Athen - Die Industrieerbe und die Reaktivierung des Zentrums der Stadt.
Master's Program in Architecture, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Roland Bondzio, BTU
Montero Andrade, Cuayautitlali (2022). Traditional Cuisine of Michoacàn in the Era of Globalization: Survival and Transformations. The case of Tzintzuntzan.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Katelyn Williams M.A., CIEE Global Institute Berlin
Quin Briceno, Maria (2022). Analyzing the relationship between tangible and intangible cultural heritage through the case study of the “Gaitas Zulianas” musical tradition in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Katelyn Williams M.A., CIEE Global Institute Berlin
Segers, Maria (2022). The Memoralisation of “asozialen” Women in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir, BTU
Sutthanonkul, Supitcha (2022). Teak Industrial Heritage in Phrae Province, Thailand: An Approach to Bridging the Gap Between Nature and Culture in Heritage Conservation.
Master's Program in World Heritage Studies, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Secondary supervision: Dr. Clara Rellensmann, BTU
Szpoganicz, Monique (2022). Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings in Brazil: A Critical Analysis.
Joint Degree Master's Program in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt
Secondary supervision: Dr. Nevine Nizar Zakaria, Helwan University, Cairo
Bauch, Anastasia, und Tamara Winkhardt-Möglich (2021). Ein US-amerikanisches Aufbauprojekt des Kalten Krieges in Deutschland: Der ‚Wooden Church Crusade‘.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Friedemann Zeitler, Hochschule Coburg
Klischies, Sina (2021). Englische Landschaftsgärten in Franken: Betrachtung ausgewählter Beispiele aus denkmalpflegerischer Sicht.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Roger Karbe, Hochschule Coburg
Ruf, Clara (2021). Die Konversion von ehemaligen Militärliegenschaften in Deutschland als Herausforderung für die Denkmalpflege: Erbe, Erinnerung, Erhaltung.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Matthias Jagfeld, Hochschule Coburg
Berger, Farah Marie (2020). Denkmalpflege zwischen Vorstellung und Realität: Denkmalwerte- und Denkmalverlust des industriellen Erbes in Bayern am Beispiel der Maxhütte im oberpfälzischen Sulzbach-Rosenberg.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Kaiser, Mareike, und Nadine Simon (2020). Die "Autogerechte Stadt" der Nachkriegszeit in Deutschland als Herausforderung für die Denkmalpflege.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Friedemann Zeitler, Hochschule Coburg
Konsbruck, Lynn (2020). Baracken als Notbehausungen im kriegszerstörten Luxemburg ab 1945 – Geschichte und Bestandserfassung.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Lautner, Theresa (2020). Immaterielles Kulturerbe und seine Materialität. Eine Hinterfragung am Beispiel Alpiner Kletterrouten.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Friedemann Zeitler, Hochschule Coburg
Miemietz, Oliver (2020). ‘Lost Places’ und ‘Urban Exploration’: ein emotionaler Zugang zum gebauten Erbe der Moderne?
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Müller, Janin (2020). Vermittlungsarbeit in der Gartendenkmalpflege in Deutschland. Vergleichende Analyse aktueller Methoden und Medien mit dem Ziel der Formulierung erfolgsversprechender Ansätze.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Holger Falter, Hochschule Coburg
Rothweil, Ronja (2020). Wertezuschreibungen in der Schadenserfassung, Trümmerräumung und Trümmerverwertung in und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: das Beispiel Stuttgart.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Olath Huth, Hochschule Coburg
Werner, Sarina (2020). Grundlagenermittlung für den Wiederaufbau nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: die Schadenserfassung der Stadt Schweinfurt.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Friedemann Zeitler, Hochschule Coburg
Wich, Alena (2020). Modellschulen des US-amerikanischen Special Projects Program in Deutschland (1949-55): Beispiele in Franken.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Olaf Huth, Hochschule Coburg
Zesewitz, Kirsten (2020). Nachverdichtung denkmalgeschützter Siedlungen der Nachkriegsmoderne: die Parkwohnanlage West in Nürnberg.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Alfes, Fiona (2019). Die Bauten der Internationalen Bauausstellung (IBA) 1987 in Berlin-Tegel: Geschichte, Bestandsaufnahme und Beurteilung der Denkmalwerte.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Friedemann Zeitler, Hochschule Coburg
Gehrmann, Janina (2019). Vom ungeliebten zum geliebten Erbe? Die Entwicklung der Mainzer Altstadt seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Harmuth, Ramona (2019). Wiederaufbau in Nordnorwegen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Secondary supervision: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Troi, Hochschule Coburg
Master's theses - second supervisor
Abdelsayed, Nancy Stafanos (2024). Demolition and New Development Plans: The Case of Historic Cemeteries of The City of The Dead in Cairo.
Master’s Programme in Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Helwan University, Cairo
Primary supervision: Dr. Mary Missak Kupelian, Helwan University, Cairo
Atan, Ecem (2024). Das Gutshaus in Hohenahlsdorf: Analyse und Nutzungskonzept.
Master’s Programme in Architecture, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexandra Druzynski von Bötticher, BTU
Brell, Stephan (2024). Zahnklinik Süd. Umbau und Erweiterung des Berliner „Maüsebunkers“.
Master’s Programme in Building and Conservation, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Per Pedersen, BTU
Marquardt, Nina (2024). Die Baukultur der Braunkohle-Industrie in der Lausitz.
Master’s Programme in Climate-adapted Construction and Operation, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susan Draeger, BTU
Megrelishvili, Sophia (2023). Living Culture Renaissance - Zwischen dystopischer Ruine und kulturellem Erbe.
Masterstudiengang Architektur, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Claus, BTU
Petrovic, Danica (2023). Das Kino und Hotel „L'Aiglon“ in Berli-Wedding: Analyse eines Bauensembles der 1950er Jahre mit Vorschlägen für seine bestands- und denkmalgerechte Nachnutzung.
Masterstudiengang Architektur, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Dr. Ilija Vukorep, BTU
Hennig, Julia, und Carolin Oberst (2020). Dokumentation, Nutzungs- und Sanierungskonzept der ehemaligen Dragoner Kaserne aus dem 18. Jahrhundert in Forchheim.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Markus Schlempp, Hochschule Coburg
Meyer-Günderoth, Caroline (2020). Dokumentation und Nutzungskonzept in der Lagarde-Kaserne in Bamberg.
Master's Program in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg
Primary supervision: Prof. Markus Schlempp, Hochschule Coburg
Doctoral dissertations - second, third or external evaluator
Williams, Katelyn (2024). Reclaiming Continuity: Lessons from the Recovery of Islamic Heritage in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Doctor of Philosophy, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. em. Dr. Leo Schmidt, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Battis-Schinker, Eva (2023). Assessing Authenticity in Heritage Conservation. Case Study: Architectural Conservation in Bahrain.
Doctoral degree in Engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. em. Dr. Leo Schmidt, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Rellensmann, Clara (2022). Appropriating Sacred Spaces: An Investigation of Bagan’s Transformed Landscape.
Doctor of Philosophy, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Primary supervision: Prof. em. Dr. Leo Schmidt, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Pilia, Elisa (2017). Urban Ruins. Memorial Value and Contemporaneity.
Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Primary supervision: Roberto Deidda, Università degli Studi di Cagliari