Publication Series "Heritage Studies", DeGruyter Publishing House
The Heritage Studies discourse was initiated by the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies in the process of developing the concept of the International Graduate School: Heritage Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg in 2010. The discourse was broadened with regards to the different facets of heritage such as cultural and natural heritage, intangible heritage and documentary heritage.
One of the very important goals of this specific discourse of Heritage Studies is to discuss the enormous diversity of paradigms, scientific terms, and constructions. This new publication series published by DeGruyter Publishing House comprises the major outcomes that contain contributions from junior scholars, experienced researchers and heritage professionals.

Vol. I Understanding Heritage – Perspectives in Heritage Studies
This volume is developing Heritage Studies with a view towards and as a contribution to human development. The book combines different paradigmatic, theoretical and practical discussions and formulates questions of research. 200 pages, 978-3-11-030830-3 (Print), 978-3-11-030838-9 (eBook), 39,95 €
Vol. II & Vol. III 40 Years World Heritage Convention – Popularizing the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage (English & German)
The publication elaborates the development of the UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Convention in the course of time and presents a critical view on its popularisation. 320 pages, 978-3-11-042776-9 (Print), 978-3-11-042440-9 (eBook), 39,95 €
Review by Prof. Klaus Hüfner
Review by Dr. Roland Bernecker
Vol. IV Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies
The book reflects upon the different dimensions of sustainability and sustainable development with regard to tangible and intangible heritage and presents a new dimension of Heritage Studies.
300 pages, 978-3-11-041513-1 (Print), 978-3-11-041527-8 (eBook), 39,95 €