Focus of our working group
- Generation and culture of proliferation competent cells (upcyte®/EPCC technology) using primary human cells from biopsy material (hepatocytes, tumor cells, mesenchymal cells)
- Overexpression of phase I and phase II enzymes in different cell lines to study therapeutic effects of drugs and drug metabolites
- Isolation of microsomes from CYP450 overexpressing cell clones for metabolite analysis
- Development of new biotechnological methods for the cell-free synthesis of liver enzymes (phase I and phase II) within a Fraunhofer project group
- Toxicological and functional studies of xenobiotics and their phase I and phase II metabolites in hepatocytes, tumor cells, mesenchymal cells and blood cells
- Age-dependent and age-associated effects of drugs and drug metabolites
- Providing autoantigens for immunodiagnostics of myasthenia gravis and autoimmune hepatitis
- Analysis of the influence of cyanobacterial products (e.g. aqueous extracts from Arthrospira platensis) on human cells