The Rödiger research group is embedded in the field of multiparameter diagnostics. Our research focuses on the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases and cancer.
In addition, the methods developed for basic research are adapted for use in medical diagnostics. We detect biomolecules such as nucleic acids, antigens and antibodies, microparticles, microorganisms and eukaryotic cells. For each new problem, bioinformatics tools are developed to perform assays and to analyze and display data. The generation and analysis of large amounts of data is the basis for being able to assign patients to special groups (stratification) and thus to special treatment concepts (personalized medicine) in the future.
Our work is mainly supported by the innovation initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the New States "Unternehmen Region". In addition, projects are also financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture Brandenburg and ZIM.
Close cooperation with industrial partners ensures that new technologies are researched and developed with market and industry relevance from the outset. This long-standing fruitful cooperation, primarily with regional small and medium-sized enterprises, is the basis for establishing promising new development projects.
Medical and Statistical Bioinformatics uses computer technologies to manage and analyze information in the life and health sciences. Both our research and teaching provide a balanced application of statistical theory in the context of medical bioinformatics applications. In doing so, we address algorithms for the evaluation of patient-related data and connectivity of bioanalytical technologies for multiparameter diagnostics. Our team integrates university research with industrial collaborations to accelerate knowledge discovery in the life science and health science industries.