Julia Zscherneck

Building 2B
Room B 2.20
T +49 (0) 355 69 2461

Since 10/2023
Participation in the joint project "MoVeToLausitz - Mobility support by means of data-based traffic management for tourist mobility in Lusatia", funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)

12/2020 until 03/2023
Participation in the third-party funded project "Digital Pioneers in Rural Spatial Development", funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Since 2020
Researcher in the Department of Regional Planning at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU)

2017 until 2020
Study of tourism and regional development (Master of Science) at the University of Greifswald

2012 until 2016
Study of Geography (Bachelor of Science) at the University of Leipzig (semester abroad at the Umeå Universitet)

  • (Mobile) services of public interest and digitalization in rural areas
  • Regional planning and planning theories
  • Regional development

Mettenberger, Tobias; Binder, Julia; Zscherneck, Julia (2024): Unveiling the resources of digital pioneers. An agency perspective on digital social innovation in rural Germany. European Countryside. 16(3), S. 412-436. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/euco-2024-0022.

Binder, Julia; Bembnista, Kamil; Mettenberger, Tobias; Ulrich, Peter; Witting, Antje; Zeißig, Hanna; Zscherneck, Julia (2023): Digitale Pioniere als Schlüsselakteure ländlicher Governance: Kommunale Perspektiven auf das Forschungsprojekt "DigiPion". Potsdam: Universitätsverlag, KWI-Schriften 14, DOI: 10.25932/publishup-61338.

Zeißig, Hanna; Binder, Julia; Bembnista, Kamil; Mettenberger, Tobias; Ulrich, Peter; Witting, Antje; Zscherneck, Julia (2023): Digitale Pioniere in der ländlichen Regionalentwicklung: Handlungsempfehlungen für die regionale Governance. Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26127/BTUOpen-6363 .

Mettenberger, Tobias; Zscherneck, Julia; Küpper, Patrick (2021): Wenn Neues aufs Land kommt. Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Verbreitung innovativer Lösungen zur digitalen Daseinsvorsorge. Raumforschung und Raumordnung. 79(6), S. 543-556. DOI: 10.14512/rur.90.

"Die Digitalisierung der Daseinsvorsorge aus Perspektive der Entscheidungsträger*innen der ländlichen Regionalentwicklung. Am Beispiel von LEADER-Regionen." Presentationauf at the DKG Congress, 19th to 23rd September 2023 in Frankfurt am Main.

"Die Netzwerke ländlicher Digitaler Pionier*innen. Eine Kontextualisierung zwischen Regionalität und Cyberspace." Presentation at the DGS Congress, 26th to 30th September 2022 in Bielefeld (together with Kamil Bembnista, Tobias Mettenberger, Julia Binder)

"Digitale Pionier*innen in der ländlichen Regionalentwicklung: Welche Ressourcen benötigen sie und welche bringen sie ein?" Presentation at the ARL conference, 7th to 8th July 2022 in Bielefeld (together with Julia Binder and Tobias Mettenberger)

"Networks in regional governance. Analysing the role of digital pioneers in rural areas"; Presentation at the GCEG conference, 7th to 10th June 2022 in Dublin (together with Julia Binder and Tobias Mettenberger)

"Ressources of digital pioneers in rural development"; Presentation and attendance at a 'Panel Discussion' on the 'Annual Meeting' of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), 25th February to 01st March 2022, virtual (with Julia Binder)

"Digitale Pionier*innen als Schlüsselpersonen für nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung?"; Presentation at the annual conference of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, 22th to 24th September 2021 in Dresden (with Julia Binder and Tobias Mettenberger)

"Räumliche Nähe und Distanz in den Netzwerken ländlicher Digitaler Pioniere“, Presentation at the mutual conference of DGS and ÖGS "Post-Corona-Gesellschaft. Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen", 24th August 2021, virtual (with Julia Binder and Tobias Mettenberger)

WS 2024/25. Excercise to the lecture Regional planning. (together with L. Geldbach & H. Wiechers).

SS 2024. Master's excursion. Spatial conflicts in regional planning and regional development through the example of the Westsachsen region and the city of Leipzig. (together with H. Wiechers).

SS 2024. Project Urban Planning I/II. Spatial conflicts in regional planning and regional development – challenges and solutions. (together with H. Wiechers).

WS 2023/24. Master's project Regional planning. Social Innovations by civilian players – influence and boundaries in regional development. (together with L. Geldbach).

WS 2023/24. Excercise to the lecture Regional planning. (together with L. Geldbach, L. Weiß & H. Wiechers).

WS 2022/23. Project City and Region. Havelland-Fläming: Interdependencies between city and countryside (together with L. Gailing, L. Geldbach & H. Wiechers).

SS 2022. Master's project Regional Planning. Informal planning in regional development - experimental, temporary and exemplary approaches (together with L. Geldbach).

WS 2021/22. Project City and Region. Lausitz - A Region in Transformation (together with J. Binder, L. Gailing & P. Ulrich).

SS 2021. Excursion and workshop week. Regional planning and development using the example of the very rural region of Vorpommern.

WS 2020/21. Project City and Region. From Berlin to the Oder: A Region in the Process of Transformation (together with L. Gailing & A. Sept).