Kamil Bembnista

Building 2A, Room 2.05
T +49 (0) 355 69 3134

Since 2021
Research associate at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) at the department of Regional Planning; in the BMBF-project „Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries“ (04/2021-03/2024), thematic focus „Energy Borderlands“

Since 2019
Associated fellow at the Collaborative Research Center „Re-Figuration of Spaces“ (CRC 1265) at the Technical University in Berlin

2016 to 2020
Research associate at the research department “Dynamics of Communication, Knowledge and Spati-al Development” at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS). Projects:
•    DFG-NCN Project „Socio-spatial Transformations in German-Polish „Interstices“. Practices of Debordering and Rebordering" (De-Re-Bord) as part of the Beethoven funding-program (05/2018-12/2020)
•    DFG-NCN Project „Socio-Cultural Constructions of Vulnerability and Resilience. German and Polish Perceptions of Threatening Aquatic Phenomena in Odra River Regions“ (Cult-Con) as part of the Beethoven funding-program (05/2016-04/2018)

Since 2018
PhD candidate at the Institute for Communication Studies at the Duisburg-Essen University

Since 2016
Freelance staff member at the Polish Institute in Berlin at the film department

  • Film as scientific dissemination
  • Qualitative visual methods
  • Sociology of knowledge approach to discourse
  • Multimodal discourse analysis
  • Dispositive analysis
  • Qualitative research on borders and space
  • German-Polish relations
  • Sociology
  • Sociology of space
  • Border and boundary studies
  • Discourse research

Bembnista, K./Gailing, L. (2024): The Socio-Spatiality of Energy Borderlands – Multidimensional Discursive Practices Regarding the Turów Coal Mine Conflict. Journal of Borderlands Studies, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2024.2330058

Lampke, A./Bembnista, K./Weber, F./Gailing, L./Dörrenbächer, H. P. (2023): Energy Borderlands in Comparison: On the Empirical Productivity of the Concepts around Interconnected Areas and Conflict Zones. In: Bembnista, Kamil et al. (Hrsg.): Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries. Conceptual and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective. UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 17, 57-70, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8032941

Bembnista, K./Blaser, B./Bonin, S./Dörrenbächer, H. P./Fellner, A. M./Gailing, L./Jungbluth, K./Lampke, A./Luxenburger, I./Mangels, K./Micka, L./Nossem, E./Orlova, G./Pallagst, K./Pfundstein, N./Polzin-Haumann, C./Reents, M./Richter, N./Schank, T./Thurm, S./Ulrich, P./Weber, F./Wenzelburger, G./Zinkhahn Rhobodes, D. (Hrsg.) (2023): Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries. Conceptual and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective. UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 17, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8032941

Zeißig, H./Binder, J./Bembnista, K./Mettenberger, T./Ulrich, P./Witting, A./Zscherneck, J., (2023): Digitale Pioniere in der ländlichen Regionalentwicklung: Handlungsempfehlungen für die regionale Governance. Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26127/BTUOpen-6363.

Bembnista, K./Stoustrup, S./Sommer, V. (2022): "Lost in Space: Introducing the spatial dispositif in space-sensitive discourse research", Journal for Discourse Studies; Special Issue: Materiality and Discourse, pp. 291-309.

Heimann, T./Barcz, A./Christmann, G./Bembnista, K./Michalak, A./Buchta-Bartodziej, P., (2021): The Cultural Embeddedness of Vulnerability and Resilience to Floods. Actors, media and literary knowledge in German and Polish Odra River Regions. In: Space & Culture.

Bembnista, K./Sommer, V., (2021), Multimodale Diskursanalyse, Methoden der qualitativen Raumforschung: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Heinrich, A. J., Marguin, S., Million, A. & Stollmann, J. (Ed.). UTB, S. 427-443.

Bembnista, K./Heimann, T., (2020): Zur diskursiven Konstruktion des Erinnerns. Vulnerabilitäts- und Resilienzkonstruktionen in öffentlichen Medien und bei Bewohnern in Hochwasserquartieren 20 Jahre nach der Oderflut von 1997. In: Heinlein, M./ Dimbath, O. (Ed.): Soziale Gedächtnisse der Katastrophe. Zur Theorie und Empirie des Katastrophenerinnerns und -vergessens. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, S. 21-50.

Bembnista, K., (2020): Zur Diskursiven Konstruktion von Grenzen, in: M. Dębicki, K. Dolińska, J. Kajta, Z. Kurcz, J. Makaro, N. Niedźwiecka- Iwańczak, I. Szlachcic (Ed.), Leksykon studiów nad granicami i pograniczami, Scholar, S. 64-71.

Kamil Bembnista, ”Perceptions of Energy Borderlands - Multidimensional Discursive Practices in Europe’s Coal Regions during the War in Ukraine”, 6th international joint conference: Energy, Environment and Societies in Crises, ESA RN12 mid-term and Energy and society Network, Trento, Italy, 2023.

Kamil Bembnista, ”Strategies of Energy Borderlands - Multidimensional Discursive Practices in Europe’s Energy Regions during the War in Ukraine”, 3. World Conference Association for Borderland Studies Eilat, Israel, 2023.

Kamil Bembnista, "Socio-Spatial Dimensions of Discursive Energy Borderlands – An Empirical Case Study of the Turów Coal Mine“, 12th biennial MESEA conference, University of Central Lancashire’s Cyprus Campus, Pyla, Larnaka, Cyprus, 2022.

Kamil Bembnista,  "Einführung des Spatial Dispositif in eine grenzraum-sensible Diskursforschung“, 7th annual conference of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (KWG) at the University of Graz, 2022.

Kamil Bembnista, "Transitionsdiskurse grenzregionaler Energieräume an der deutsch-polnischen und deutsch-französischen Grenze", Border Renaissance Conference, UniGR Center for Border Studies, Saarland University, 2022.

Kamil Bembnista, Tobias Mettenberger, Julia Binder & Julia Zscherneck, "Die Netzwerke ländlicher Digitaler Pionier*innen. Eine Kontextualisierung zwischen Regionalität und Cyberspace." at the DGS Congress Bielefeld, Germany, 2022.

Kamil Bembnista, Ludger Gailing & Peter Ulrich, "Socio-spatial challenges in the energy transition in border regions" at the 50th Annual Conference: Cross-Border School „Governance of the Green Deal in the border regions” of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2021.

Kamil Bembnista, "Un/Certainty in Borderland Discours and Practices" bei der Association of Borderland Studies Konferenz, Portland, USA, 2020 (virtual due to the Covid-19 pandemic).

Kamil Bembnista, „Vulnerability and Resilience in Borderlands. A multimodal Analysis of Materiality in Discursive Practices.“ bei der 7. International Research Conference Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones (CEFZ), St. Peterburg, Russia, 2020 (virtual due to the Covid-19 pandemic).

Kamil Bembnista, "Un/Certainty in Borderland Discours and Practices. Discoursive Constructions in German and Polish Newspapers" bei der European Sociology Association Konferenz, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2019.

Kamil Bembnista, "Seeing and Feeling Borders. Constructions of Vulnerability and Borders in Narrative Films d'Auteur of Berlin School“ Cultural Borderlands: Literature, Film and Aesthetic Practices, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2018.

Kamil Bembnista, "Vulnerability in Borderland-Discourses and Practices“, B/Orders in Motion, Europa-Universität, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 2018.

Kamil Bembnista, "Discursive Borders and the Construction of Memory“, Kick-Off Workshop: New Approaches and Frameworks of Researching Bilateral Relationship in Europe, Wrocław, Poland, 2018.

Kamil Bembnista, „Zur diskursiven Konstruktion des Erinnerns im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum. Vulnurabilitäts- und Resilienzkonstruktionen in öffentlichen Medien und bei Bewohnern in Hochwasserquartieren 20 Jahre nach der Oderflut von 1997“, Polnische Grenzräume im Wandlungsprozess, Wrocław, Poland, 2018.