
Behrensen, Birgit / Westphal, Manuela (ed.)(2019): Flight migration research on the move. Methodological and methodological reflections. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien[to the book]

Behrensen, Birgit / Gläser, Eva / Solzbacher, Claudia (eds.) (2015): Fachdidaktik und individuelle Förderung in der Grundschule: Perspektiven auf Unterricht in heterogenen Lerngruppen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Key research area "Women's occupations in regional social and health care" (ed.) (2002): Change and perspectives of women's occupations in the social and health care sector in a rural region. Final report, ZAG - research and work reports. Lüneburg: self-published.