In-house research project "Disrupted Systems - Disrupted Routines"

In-house research project "Disrupted Systems - Disrupted Routines"

  • Funded by: Own funds
  • Duration: since September 2023
  • Cooperation partners: Wageningen University, Aalborg University, University of Oslo, University of Geneva, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan
  • Staff Member: Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Mubarik Kassim Rabiu

The war against Ukraine has a massive impact on the energy supply structures of European countries and resulted in energy price spikes directly affecting the everyday routines of European households, that are heavily dependent on reliable and affordable energy systems of provision. In addition to increased costs for electricity and gas and the general standard of living, the fragility of energy systems is becoming more noticeable in everyday life and comprehensive adjustments to energy practices and routines as well as expectations of comfort seem necessary. In 2022, a Europe-wide working group was formed in order to examine these adaptations and the associated challenges comprehensively and in a cross-country comparison. In total nine European countries are participating with a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. A core activity is a representative survey in six European countries (Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Switzerland) on the changes in energy related practices in various everyday areas such as heating, cooking. Among other things, the question of the relationship between system disruptions and disruptions to everyday life will be investigated, and what opportunities and also challenges arise for a more comprehensive transformation in the direction of resource-saving energy use.