Head of inorganic chemistry

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peer Schmidt
office: 14C.409
phone: 03573 / 85 827
fax: 03573 / 85 809
mail: Peer.Schmidt(at)b-tu.de
Scientific staff
Working group energy storage
- Dr. Anastasia Efimova
- Ines Donath, M.Sc. (postgraduate, BMWi)
- Bruno Reis, M.Sc. (postgraduate, BMWi)
- Dr. Amruta Nawdiyal (postdoc, BMWi)
Working group low temperature materials synthesis
- Dr. Anastasia Efimova
- Monika Knorr, M.Sc. (postgraduate, DFG)
- Andre Meißner, M.Sc. (postgraduate, DFG)
Working group high temperature syntheses and crystal growth
- Tom Donath, M.Sc. (postgraduate, DFG)
- Samuel Fröschke, M.Sc. (postgraduate, IFW Dresden)
- Martin Grönke, M.Sc. (postgraduate, IFW Dresden)
- Felix Hansen, M.Sc. (postgraduate, IFW Dresden)
- Robert Heinemann, M.Sc. (postgraduate)
- Felix Lange, M.Sc. (postgraduate, GRS BTU)
- Martin Wels, M.Sc. (postgraduate, DFG)
- Marie-Christin Giese, M.Sc.
Technical staff
- Daniela Eurich
- Lutz Wilk