
Computer Science at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

When the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus was founded in 1991, the central role of computer science at a modern technical university was taking into account by establishing the Institute for Computer Science in the Department of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Science and a study program in computer science. The Departments of the Institute cover the main areas of computer science in research and teaching and emphasize hands-on education.

Computer Science is an integrating and multidisciplinary subject..Due to its research and teaching capacity as well as the interfaculty networking character of computer science at the BTU, it plays an essential role in all engineering sciences. Just as is the case for mathematics and physics, knowledge of the basic mindset and fundamental techniques of computer science needs to become an essential component of systems approaches. The research and teaching of computer science at the BTU are strongly led by a systems engineering point of view. Systems engineering issues as well as application problems from other scientific fields are addressed and contributions are made to their solution. This gives Computer Science a very practice-oriented character and cultivates an engineering approach to problem solving.

All of the listed topics bridge the gap from  the theoretical foundations to the relevant methodological knowledge to the appropriate practical application in a wide variety of areas. The established networks with other faculties at the BTU is therefore of great importance. This has already led to interdisciplinary cooperation within the BTU and to the establishment of a cross-faculty innovation college.