Alumni of the IT study programs
The Institute for Computer Science stays in contact with the graduates of the IT study programs (Computer Science, Information and Media Technology, e-Business) as well as former employees. The goal is to build a network from which everyone benefits. For example, the experiences of our graduates serves as input for further development of the curricula, graduates arrange internships for students, alumni exchange their professional experiences, etc.
Alumni Meeting
Since 2006, an annual alumni meeting of the IT study programs (computer science, information and media technology, e-business) has taken place. The main focus is on talks and panel discussions by former students, who report on their everyday professional life and their own development. The alumni are also encouraged to reflect on their studies (What did they learn from their studies, when and where? What was missing?). The target audience here consists especially of active students of the study programs. For alumni, additional program items are offered (e.g., a campus tour with a guided tour through the new buildings)). Each year, different topics are selected for the lectures (career at the university, in the company, career directly after graduation or with more timely distance). In the meantime, the number of participants is regularly around 100 people (approx. 50% students, 30% alumni, 20% employees and professors).
The Alumni Team can be reached by Reinhardt Karnapke. We are happy if our alumni communicate us their current eMail address. We then send the invitations to the alumni meetings to these addresses. Since we are always asked to provide an overview of the career of our alumni in various reports (accreditation report, teaching report, university development report, ...), we are also happy to receive brief information about their professional context. Of course, these data will be treated confidentially.
Background: What are Alumni?
The term alumnus (masculine; plural: -ni) or alumna (feminine; plural: -nae) comes from Latin and means as much as "pupil", literally "the nourished one" (from alere: to nourish). Formerly, alumni were pupils of a boarding school, an alumnus. Today, the term alumni refers to the former students of a university.