Double Degree Programmes

Double Degree Application for Students of Partner Universities

Students from a partner university applying for a Double Degree have to submit their aplications via the online portal "myBTU" (to be used by students from Double Degree partner universities only!). Please carefully observe the step by step instructions in the portal!

Application deadlines for Double Degree programmes:

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) *January, 15
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) *May, 30
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST)June, 30
Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP)June, 30
North China Electric Power University (NCEPU)June, 30
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)June, 30
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST)June, 30

* Currently suspended due to the political situation.

Double Degree Application for BTU Students

BTU students (Germans and other nationalities) who are enrolled in the regular master's programme “Power Engineering” have to successfully pass the application procedure to the master's programme in the partner university, with which an agreement on a Double Degree has been signed. Depending on the regulations of the partner university, students need to submit the necessary application documents and will then receive a letter of admission to the programme from this partner university.

Double Degree Application for Students of Other Universities

If you would like to apply for a double degree but you are not a student of a partner university, please use the regular application for the master's programme at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (see information on admission). If you are admitted to the regular master's programme, then you can apply to a partner university for a Double Degree during your first semester of studies at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

How Is a Double Degree Programme Organised?

BTU students joining the Double Degree programme will study the 1st and 2nd semester at BTU. During this period students have to collect 60 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for modules from Common and Specialization Modules.

In the 3rd and 4th semester these students will join the partner university and will be enrolled there. During this period students have to collect 30 credit points according to ECTS for the successful completion of the modules and 30 credit points for a study project and the preparation and defence of a master thesis (6 and 24 credits respectively). The defence of a master thesis will take place at a partner university.

Students from partner universities will start their studies at the respective home university and will usually join BTU in the 3rd semester. An exception applies to students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnical University (SPbPU): They will study at BTU in their 2nd and 3rd semesters.

What Assistance Can You Expect at a Host Institution?

The host institution shall appoint a mentor for each student to whom he/she may apply for advice or assistance during his/her stay in the host country. The mentors are responsible for the preparation of the individual study plans.

For more detailed information about the host universities please check the respective handouts.

What Degree Will You Receive at the End?

On successful completion of the semesters at BTU and the semesters at the partner university (120 ECTS credits including the master thesis) both universities award a degree “Master of Science”.

In an appropriate manner both universities will state clearly in the relevant documents (diploma supplement, certificate, transcript of records) that the awarded degree is part of a Double Degree master's programme between the partner university and the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Both transcripts of records will contain all credits and grades obtained at both institutions. It will be clearly marked which results were achieved at BTU and which ones at the partner university. All students will also receive a Diploma Supplement issued by BTU.

What Financial and Other Arrangements Do You Have to Make?

Expenses for travel and accommodation have to be covered by the student. The host Institution engages to help in obtaining the same facilities foreseen for their students.

It falls within the responsibility of the student to receive a visa for the respective host country. Neither the home nor the host university will cover visa fees. The host university will provide the student with an admission or invitation letter for obtaining said visa.

It is highly advisable that each student gets health insurance for the country where the respective partner university is situated.

Students of the Double Degree programme will pay applicable tuition and administration fees to each institution only during their phase of attendance. No fees will be paid at the respective other institution while attending the host institution.