Power Engineering – Education in Sustainable Energy Supply in a European and International Context
The development of durable concepts for safe, affordable and environmentally sound energy production is one of the most urgent, global challenges confronting humanity in the 21st century. It is inseparable from critical issues of environmental protection and sustainable development. Together with the management and supply of fuel and heat, the provision of secure electrical energy is a central problem in today's world.
The creation of key technologies through innovation as well as the creation of knowledge through research and education is decisive in a global market. It has been highlighted by the European Commissioner for Science and Research, that it will be necessary to develop strong regional poles of research, innovation and education, which are intensively linked to regional as well as to global economic aspects.
The PE MSc course focuses on these key issues. Its close link to the regional energy industry is an essential part of the programme in order to ensure quality research taking into account the needs of industry today.
Traditional as well as renewable energies and their related industries have for a long time been a European stronghold. Now however, they face severe competition from emerging markets. Since the start of liberalisation of the European energy market, industry has become very dynamic and has in some regions formed energy clusters of distinct economic relevance. In order to ensure further European prevalence in the field of energy research and innovation, the Masters course Power Engineering (PE) will cover the entire spectrum of energy research through cooperation with a global network of high ranking universities and strong industrial enterprises.
The intention of the PE-master is to establish a superior European programme of graduate education, to train and develop a network of experts which extends from Europe to the emerging energy markets throughout the world. Finally, the programme will establish a connection between universities and industry which will not only open career opportunities to our graduates, but will also contribute to reaching the EU goal of boosting the competitiveness of European economies.
The programme will be offered at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. A worldwide network of universities and industrial partners will support the PE Masters course. The language of instruction is English. The duration of the programme is four semesters. It is also possible to obtain the Double Degree Master of Science certificate, should the student choose to apply for Double Degree Programme.
Up to 50 national and international students will be admitted each year. A Bachelor's degree in Power Engineering (electrical/thermal etc.) or a related engineering discipline is the main admission criterion.
In total the PE Master is designed to create a strong European expertise in the field of power engineering. This will be achieved by:
- attaining and generating knowledge through research;
- disseminating knowledge through education and training;
- applying knowledge to promote innovation.
The international master's programme Power Engineering is accredited by ASIIN according to the regulations of the German Accreditation Council.
The research-oriented international master's programme in Power Engineering provides in-depth engineering expertise as well as methodological and project skills in the field of electrical power engineering or power generation from fossil and renewable energy sources with a high industrial relevance. After successful completion of the programme, students may continue their academic qualification in research or work independently in management positions in industry as well as in industrial and university research and development centres. The master's degree enables admission to doctoral studies.
The graduates acquire a deepened spectrum of skills to cope with tasks in a solution-oriented manner, taking into account the scientific-technical requirements, the economic framework conditions and the social environment. Students will be able to reflect critically on energy technology and energy industry measures in relation to civil society, political and (inter)cultural aspects. In addition to the comprehensive expansion of technical and methodological competencies, social and decision-making competencies are developed in a targeted manner. The study programme takes place in an international environment: more than 90% of the master’s students are from various countries of the world. The subject-specific and interdisciplinary intercultural competences are specifically promoted and further developed.
Graduates manage the autonomous planning and organisation of complex project tasks along with the necessary consideration of interfaces to other disciplines and the successful integration of various project staff members. The focus on imparting methodical knowledge and the solid training in both the common basic modules and the subject-specific modules of the respective chosen field of study guarantee that graduates can quickly and inde-pendently adapt to new fields of application and to corresponding changes in technology.
Graduates have specialised knowledge in the fields of study Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) or Power Generation from Fossil and Renewable Fuels (PGF). They are able to apply the acquired knowledge, to deepen it independently, to combine it across disciplines, to accompany scientific innovations as well as to work on and further develop scientific issues independently. Depending on the field of study, specialised knowledge and skills are taught in the areas of electrical power engineering with a focus on electrical plants and systems, regenerative energy systems and decentralised energy supply, power plant technology and auxiliary power plants, system management and network control technology, energy technology, electrical machines and drives, energy supply for large buildings.
The Master's programme "Power Engineering" will start at the beginning of the Winter semester (first half of October each year). The duration of the programme is 4 semesters (2 years) in total.
After successful completion of the programme a degree "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) in Power Engineering will be granted.
Masters programme „Power Engineering“ charges no tuition fees. This regulation applies to national as well as to international students.
For the current registration and administration fee please check the "Home" tab. It may slightly change every semester.
The study programme enables graduates to work in the areas of university and industrial research and development, as well as design, manufacturing and sales of technical products. Graduates of the programme work as engineers, supervisors or managers in the power industry and supply utilities field, as well as in the fields of power generation, transmission, distribution and application. They develop concepts and strategies for new product lines in the technical infrastructure. Planning and development work in alternative energy resources are further options of employment for graduates in the Masters programme Power Engineering.
The master's programme “Power Engineering” is supported by a global network of cooperating universities and industrial enterprises. It offers unique examples of good practice with a potential for wider dissemination. Examples of good practice include – an innovative linkage between academia and industry, – an extensive programme of intercultural and interactive training for technical scientists, – a curriculum which directly reflects the particular research foci at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Cooperating Universities
Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of Power Engineering have been signed between BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- Shanghai Electric Power University, Shanghai, China
- National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
- Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
- North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
- Sao Paulo State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Minas Gerais State University, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia
- Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
- University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
MoU will be discussed with
- University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Cooperating Industrial Enterprises
50 Hertz Transmission | Germany |
LEAG | Germany |
Vattenfall | Germany |
e-on | Germany |
E.DIS | Germany |
envia-M – envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG | Germany |
ENERTRAG | Germany |
Siemens Power Transmission, Distribution | Germany |
RWE | Germany |
State Grid of China | China |