Academic Departments and Staff

The international master's programme Power Engineering ist hosted in:

  • Faculty 3: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Energy Systems
    • Institute of Electrical and Thermal Energy Systems
Control Systems and Network Control TechnologyProf. Schiffer
Decentralised Energy SystemsProf. Schwarz (acting)
Energy Distribution and High Voltage EngineeringN.N.
Energy ManagementProf. Müsgens
Power Electronics and Drive SystemsProf. Möhlenkamp
Thermal Energy TechnologyProf. Röntzsch
Thermodynamics/Thermal Process EngineeringProf. Mauß
Integrated Energy Infrastructures (in cooperation with Fraunhofer)Prof. Ragwitz
Electrified Aero Engines (in cooperation with DLR)Prof. Enghardt
Low-Carbon Industrial Processes (in cooperation with DLR)Prof. Riedel