Courses, seminars and group offers for students
The Central Student Guidance and Counselling and other units of the University provide student support for students in special circumstances and for overcoming difficulties in their studies. The courses, seminars and group offers cover a wide range of topics; from dealing well with stress or doing research in the library catalogue to successfully completing your studies.
If there is no suitable offer for you, please contact us for individual advice and guidance.
Further courses, seminars and group offers for students
The following offers are made possible by a number of committed actors at BTU. If you have any questions, requests or wish to register, please contact the responsible office directly.
Online subject tests and preparatory courses can help you to simplify your start in your studies at BTU. The BTU College offers both part-time preliminary courses and compact preliminary courses during the summer months.
The BTU College offers additional tutorials for some content areas, such as physical basics or programming.
Further information, the current range of events and registration modalities.
Courses and introductions on all topics related to literature search, research in library catalogues and the successful handling of scientific literature are offered within the framework of courses at the ICMLC.
Further information, registration possibilities, as well as the offer in the current semester.
As a supplement to the course offerings, the University Library provides online tutorials for self-study assistance. The content of these tutorials includes a systematic search for suitable scientific literature and access to electronic journals.
In the Career Center you will find a wide range of seminars on the development of soft skills relevant to the labour market and on the transition from university to working life. The range of topics extends from confident handling of critical professional situations to topics such as self and time management.
Further information, the current range of seminars and registration formalities.
It is essential that you take advantage of the regular courses offered in your study programme at an early stage to introduce you to scientific work in your respective subject context. Furthermore, you will also find modules to strengthen your interdisciplinary skills in the current FÜS catalogue.
To compensate for the challenges of studying, BTU offers a wide range of sports from A for Aikido to Z for Zumba. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by university sports to get to know new sports or to become a champion in a discipline.
Further information, the current sports programme and registration options.