Benchmarking Array Analysis Methods
Welcome to the data hosting site for the benchmarking of aeroacoustic array analysis methods.
Extracting data from complicated aeroacoustic experiments using microphone phased arrays can be a challenging task, depending both on the nature of a given experiment and the desired information. A significant number of advanced analysis techniques have been developed in recent years to improve the understanding of the measured acoustic fields and related sources. However, all of these techniques are developed with limiting assumptions which may influence their utility for varying situations.
A common suite of data sets with known or at least well-bounded solutions can aide in the comparison of different analysis techniques for various acoustic source types and measurement configurations, as well as guide the potential development path for future analysis methods. This website is dedicated to hosting a suite of data sets dedicated to this purpose. The data sets have been simulated and/or measured by individuals and institutions with a wide range of experience in aeroacoustic testing, who have been brought together by a community interest in advancing the aeroacoustic array state-of-the-art.
Documentation for the effort is hosted here. The benchmark HDF5 file definitions can be found here.
Parties interested in access to the data can contact Thomas Geyer (thomas.geyer(at) for login information. Those with more general questions or interest can contact Chris Bahr (christopher.j.bahr[at]
Important: In the past it has occurred that wrong persons have been cited in different publications as the authors/source of these data (for example, Thomas Geyer was repeatedly cited as an author). This is not correct! Please cite the provider of the corresponding data set as the respective author (e.g. NASA, DLR, ...).
Simulated Data Test Cases
- The data for the first test case "b0" can be found here. This test case contains a single monopole source without flow (provided by Pieter Sijtsma, PSA3).
- The data for test case "b1" are here. This benchmark contains a line source in a closed wind tunnel test section (provided by Pieter Sijtsma, PSA3).
- The data for test case "b7" are here. This test case contains multiple incoherent monopole sources without flow (provided by Ennes Sarradj, TU Berlin).
- The data for test case "b8" are here. The setup contains multiple monopole sources in a round open jet flow with an expanding shear layer (provided by Ennes Sarradj, TU Berlin).
- The data for test case "b11" are here. The setup consists of two simulated data sets featuring rotating point sources (provided by Gert Herold, TU Berlin).
Experimental Data Test Cases
- The data for the first experimental test case "DLR1" can be found here. This test case contains measurement data of an Airbus half-model in a closed test section.
- The data for test case "NASA2" are here. This benchmark contains data from leading/trailing edge noise measurements of a 2D airfoil from the QFF open test section wind tunnel.
- The data for test case "ONERA1" are here. The test case is a single speaker in an open test section.
- The data for test case "NASA4" are here. This benchmark contains jet noise data from two different nozzles measured in the NASA Langley Low Speed Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel.
Results for various test cases were presented at the 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2017, held in Denver, CO.
The first paper ("A Comparison of Microphone Phased Array Methods Applied to the Study of Airframe Noise in Wind Tunnel Testing"), dedicated to the experimental cases, can be found here. The second paper contains a comparison of results for the simulated cases ("A Microphone Array Method Benchmarking Exercise using Synthesized Input Data") and can be found here.