Leiter des Fachgebietes
Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Erich Schneider
Lipezker Straße 47
03048 Cottbus
Raum 9.104
T +49 (0) 355 5818 621

02/2012 Habilitation in Neurophysiology and Experimental Neurology.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institute of Clinical Neurosciences
07/2004 Ph.D. in Human Biology.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dept. Neurology
Degree: Dr. rer. biol. hum.
02/1997 Diploma in Physics.
Technische Universität München
Degree: Dipl.-Phys. Univ (comparable to M.Sc.)
11/2019– | Co-founder and member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (LZKI) |
www.lzki.de | |
10/2019– | Member of the Cognitive Systems Research Cluster |
10/2016– | Dean of the Medical Informatics Curriculum |
www.b-tu.de/medizininformatik-bs/ | |
02/2016– | Co-founder and Chairman of the Institute for Medical Technology. |
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering | |
and Information Technology | |
04/2014–09/2016 | Visiting Professor. |
Chubu University College of Engineering, Nagoya, Japan | |
Dept. of Robotic Science and Technology | |
07/2013– | Dean of the Informatics Curricula. |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | |
02/2012– | Professor (W3) for Medical Information Systems. |
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg | |
(before: Hochschule Lausitz) | |
07/2008–09/2014 | Principal Investigator and Senior Research Scientist. |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institute of Clinical Neurosciences | |
PI of research projects within the | |
“German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders” (DSGZ) | |
Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) | |
01/2004–06/2008 | Principal Investigator and Senior Research Scientist |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dept. Neurology | |
“Cognition for Technical Systems” (CoTeSys) | |
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) | |
01/2004–04/2007 | PI of 2 research projects within the cluster |
“Bio-inspired Assistive Systems” (FORBIAS) | |
Funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation | |
11/1997–12/2003 | Research Scientist. |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dept. Neurology |
09/2009 International Robot Award, RoboDays, Odense, Denmark.
Prize of 10.000 Euro awarded to Project EyeSeeCam
12/2009 Award for Best Paper in Biomimetics, IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Biomimetics ROBIO 2009, Guilin, China.
01/2020–12/2020 Artificial Intelligence in Instrumental Diagnosis, Stifterverband.
08/2016–07/2019 Social Virtual / Robotic Agents, Cunningham / Schneider,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg.
Graduate Research School (GRS) Cluster: Cognitive Dependable
Cyber Physical Systems
11/2009–10/2014 Bio-inspired Technical Systems
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
“German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders” (DSGZ)
01/2006–07/2013 Natural Visual Exploration and Interaction in Humans and Robots
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Cluster of Excellence “Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys)”, PI of 3 Projects
07/2006–11/2007 Gaze Statistics of Human Natural Exploration
Bavaria California Technology Center (BaCaTec)
01/2004–04/2007 Eye-controlled Camera and Mobile Eye Tracking
Bayerische Forschungsstiftung
Cluster FORBIAS, PI of 2 Projects
Brandt T, Glasauer S, and Schneider E.
Aufnahmevorrichtung für die kopfgestützte Bilderfassung und Verfahren zur Steuerung der Aufnahmevorrichtung, 2004.