11975 - Human Resource Management Modulübersicht

Module Number: 11975
Module Title:Human Resource Management
  Human Resource Management
Department: Faculty 5 - Business, Law and Social Sciences
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martin, Alexander
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every summer semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:Students obtain a profound understanding of a central topic in human resource management – the management of high performance teams. This course is designed to assist students build the skills necessary to function as members of effective and supportive teams. Students will also learn how to lead high-performance teams within organizational settings.
Contents:Students get to know important aspects of team management. A combination of experiential exercises, case discussions and lectures will be used to teach students how to work within, and manage high-performance teams. This course will focus on how motivation, communication, technology, decision making, creativity, leadership, and conflict management can enhance organizational team effectiveness.
Recommended Prerequisites:Knowledge of the contents of module
  • 12144 Personalökonomie und Industrielle Beziehungen
is helpful but not essential.
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Lecture / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Exercise / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Self organised studies / 120 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Will be announced during the lecture.
Module Examination:Continuous Assessment (MCA)
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:
  • 3 short written examinations, 20-30 min (together 45%)
  • Team project; paper, 18 Seiten, and presentation, 15 min (together 40%)
  • Team case write-up, 15 min (10%)
  • Individual class participation & preparation (5%)
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:20
Part of the Study Programme:
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Double Degree / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Artificial Intelligence / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Bauen und Erhalten / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Extended Semester / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Extended Semester / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bau- und Kunstgeschichte / PO 2022
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / keine PO
  • Master (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Biotechnologie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Biotechnologie / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Cyber Security / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Digitale Gesellschaft / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Master (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2022
  • Master (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft / PO 2021
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Environmental and Resource Management / keine PO
  • Bachelor (applied) / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Klimagerechtes Bauen und Betreiben / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Kultur und Technik / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Kultur und Technik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2018
  • Bachelor of Education / Lehramt Primarstufe / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie - dual / PO 2023
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Maschinenbau / keine PO
  • Bachelor (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Reduced Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Mathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Mathematik - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizininformatik / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizintechnik / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Medizintechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Erneuerbare Energien / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physics / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Power Engineering / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Städtebau und Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung und Städtebau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) / Therapiewissenschaften / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsmathematik - dual / PO 2023
 This module has been approved for the general studies.
Remarks:Module with limited number of participants - Registration two weeks prior to the commencement of lectures!
Module Components:Lecture Human Resource Management - 2 Hours per Week per Semester
Exercise Human Resource Management - 2 Hours per Week per Semester
Components to be offered in the Current Semester: