12239 - English - Essential Business Skills (B2) Modulübersicht

Module Number: 12239
Module Title:English - Essential Business Skills (B2)
  English - Essential Business Skills (B2)
Department: ZES - Language Centre
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Riebow, Ute
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:Students will acquire and consolidate fundamental skills which they will need in their professional life. They can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation. They can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. They can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
  • Action-oriented tasks for global, selective and detailed listening and reading comprehension, for the production of topic and situation-related written texts, for topic and situation-related oral expression as well as exercises for comprehension and consolidation of linguistic structures (vocabulary and grammar). In addition, learning strategies and techniques for self-study are presented and practised.
  • Grammatical structures (question formation, conditional sentences, comparison, tenses of present, past and future, modal verbs, passive, expressing probability)
  • Content: introducing oneself and other people, written and oral correspondence, presentations, writing reports, telephoning, meetings, job applications, workplace problems, sales, negotiations
Recommended Prerequisites:The participants should have very good proficiency in English (level B2).
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Exercise / 4 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Self organised studies / 120 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Script
additional material on Moodle platform
Module Examination:Continuous Assessment (MCA)
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:
  • smaller assignments (will be averaged)
  • 7 tests of 45 minutes each
  • a written application (approx. 2 pages)
  • 15-minute presentation
Weight of each test/assignment accounts for 10% of the final grade.
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:20
Part of the Study Programme:
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Double Degree / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bau- und Kunstgeschichte / PO 2022
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / keine PO
  • Bachelor (applied) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Betriebswirtschaftslehre - dual / PO 2019
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Biotechnologie / keine PO
  • Bachelor (applied) / Biotechnologie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Biotechnologie / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Cyber Security / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Digitale Gesellschaft / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Master (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2022
  • Master (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Kultur und Technik / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Kultur und Technik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2018
  • Bachelor of Education / Lehramt Primarstufe / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Reduced Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Mathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Mathematik - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizininformatik / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizintechnik / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Medizintechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Erneuerbare Energien / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physics / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Power Engineering / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Städtebau und Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung und Städtebau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) / Therapiewissenschaften / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2012
  • Master (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2023
  • Master (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsmathematik - dual / PO 2023
 This module has been approved for the general studies.
Remarks:Students must also register at the Language Centre (https://www.b-tu.de/sprachen)!
No more than 25 participants can be enrolled in each language course group.
The course can be held face-to-face or online.
Module Components:019235 Essential Business Skills B2
Components to be offered in the Current Semester: