13391 - Conservation / Building in Existing Fabric (Online) Modulübersicht

Module Number: 13391
Module Title:Conservation / Building in Existing Fabric (Online)
  Rekonstruktion und Erhaltungsarbeiten / Neubau im Bestand (Online)
Department: Faculty 6 - Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Blokker, Johanna
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every winter semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:The module aims to provide a theoretical basis of methods employed in the conservation of architectural heritage.
The students will
-  acquire  basic knowledge about the idea of the values of monuments and their cultural significance
-  apply these concepts and methods in order to critically analyse and assess the cultural significance of   architectural heritage
- be able to map out strategies regarding the conservation and preservation of historic buildings and heritage in context
Contents:The history of architectural conservation, in particular the development of the values associated with architectural heritage, will provide one part of the theoretical background. Another one will be the various charters and international standards dealing with the current approaches and assessments of historical sites. We will examine contemporary challenges in conservation practice, such as the management of change and the preservation of the values of cultural sites, and explore different methods for dealing with these challenges. Cases studies will provide insight into the practical approaches of architects and conservation experts when dealing with the conservation of sites. Among others, these include the preservation of the cultural significance manifested in the many historic layers and traces at a site. Accompanying the lecture, activities during the semester can include the composition of a poster, reading responses, or a presentation, in which students can analyse and discuss a chosen topic.
Recommended Prerequisites:None
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Lecture / 4 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Self organised studies / 120 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Students will be provided with weekly pre-recorded lectures, reading materials, and bibliographical references. During synchronous feedback sessions, there will be time for questions and discussions.
Module Examination:Continuous Assessment (MCA)
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:
  • Final Paper (2500 - 3500 words) to be handed in online via the respective Moodle course of the module or by email
  • Additional points (max. 10 %) can be obtained by voluntary online activities
More information and regular updates will be posted in the module entry on Moodle.
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:None
Part of the Study Programme:
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Architektur / keine PO
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Stadtplanung und Städtebau / keine PO
  • Master (research-oriented) - Distance Learning / World Heritage Studies / PO 2021
Remarks:Online lecture – asynchronous, 4 hours per week per semester

This module will be offered entirely online and will rely exclusively on asynchronous elements (pre-recorded video materials, digital reading materials, online activities in response to lecture contents).
Module Components:620403 Online Lecture Architectural Conservation - Heritage in Context
Components to be offered in the Current Semester: