13711 - Colloquium Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research Modulübersicht

Module Number: 13711
Module Title:Colloquium Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research
  Kolloquium Transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
Department: Faculty 5 - Business, Law and Social Sciences
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Jaeger-Erben, Melanie
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:
  • Knowledge of research in the sociology of technology and the environment and sustainability research.
  • Application and reflection of scientific methods
  • Knowledge of transdisciplinary methods and formats
  • Skills in developing research designs, designing research processes and evaluating empirical material
  • Practice of collegial supervision
  • Co-design of a research workshop
Contents:The module "Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research" offers insights into the content and methodology of transdisciplinary sustainability and transformation research. On the one hand, students get to know various research projects in the module's thematic field within the framework of a series of lectures and discuss approaches and findings. In a series of research workshops, students also learn to plan different steps of a research project and to evaluate empirical data.
For students writing study projects, bachelor or master theses at the Department of Sociology of Technology and the Environment, attendance of this module is mandatory.

Recommended Prerequisites:
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Exercise / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Seminar / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Self organised studies / 120 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Will be announced in first class meeting.
Module Examination:Continuous Assessment (MCA)
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:
  •   Summary and reflection of at least three of the presentations in the colloquium following the template provided on moodle; 800 words; 30%
  • Theoretical memo of at least two the materials handed out for the workshop (e.g. one interview, one series of pictures) following the template provided on moodle; 1000 words; 40%
  • One review of a paper on transdisciplinary research (selection of papers will be provided on moodle), following the template provided on moodle; 1500 words; 30%
Evaluation of Module Examination:Study Performance – ungraded
Limited Number of Participants:None
Part of the Study Programme:
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Angewandte Mathematik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Double Degree / Architektur / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Architektur / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Artificial Intelligence / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Bauen und Erhalten / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Extended Semester / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Extended Semester / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Bauingenieurwesen / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Bauingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Bau- und Kunstgeschichte / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (applied) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2011
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2024
  • Master (research-oriented) / Betriebswirtschaftslehre / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Betriebswirtschaftslehre - dual / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Betriebswirtschaftslehre - dual / PO 2024
  • Bachelor (applied) / Biotechnologie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Biotechnologie / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Biotechnology / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Cyber Security / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Digitale Gesellschaft / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Master (research-oriented) / eBusiness / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2022
  • Master (applied) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Elektrotechnik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2014
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Elektrotechnik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Elektrotechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Environmental and Resource Management / PO 2015
  • Bachelor (applied) / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Hebammenwissenschaft / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informatik / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Informations- und Medientechnik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Kultur und Technik / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2018
  • Bachelor of Education / Lehramt Primarstufe / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Leichtbau und Werkstofftechnologie - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2021
  • Master (applied) / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2006
  • Master (research-oriented) / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Master (research-oriented) - Reduced Semester / Maschinenbau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Place / Maschinenbau - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Materialchemie / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Mathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Mathematik - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizininformatik / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Medizintechnik / PO 2022
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Medizintechnik - dual / PO 2022
  • Master (research-oriented) / Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Erneuerbare Energien / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2017
  • Bachelor (applied) / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Pflegewissenschaft / PO 2020
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physics / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Physik / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Power Engineering / PO 2016
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (applied) - Double Degree / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) / Soziale Arbeit / PO 2020
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Städtebau und Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadtplanung und Städtebau / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2016
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Stadt- und Regionalplanung / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (applied) / Therapiewissenschaften / PO 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) / Transformation Studies / PO 2024
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2006
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Umweltingenieurwesen / PO 2021
  • Bachelor (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2008
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2023
  • Master (applied) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (applied) - Extended Semester / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2018
  • Master (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2008
  • Master (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / PO 2019
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (applied) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2018
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Integrated Vocational Training / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - dual / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2007
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Wirtschaftsmathematik / PO 2023
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) - Co-Op Programme with Practical Placement / Wirtschaftsmathematik - dual / PO 2023
 This module has been approved for the general studies.
Remarks:Open to students from each disciplines working on or interested in transdisciplinary sustainability issues
Module Components:
  • Exercise: Research workshops for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research - 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Seminar: Colloquium for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research - 2 Hours per Week per Semester
Components to be offered in the Current Semester: