41111 - Parasites Modulübersicht

Module Number: 41111 - Phase-out Module
Module Title:Parasites
Department: Faculty 2 - Environment and Natural Sciences
Responsible Staff Member:
  • apl. Prof. PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wanner, Manfred
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every winter semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:Rationale
The module aims at providing knowledge in biology, histology and ecology. Emphasis is set on topics relevant for German students as well as for students from foreign countries. Socio-economic problems raised by e.g., malaria or sleeping sickness will also be taken into consideration.
Contents:The field of parasites will be taught with emphasis on human-relevant diseases.

General Aspects of Parasitism

  • Definitions and origins of parasitism
  • Host-parasite relationship
  • Biogeographical aspects
Unicellular Parasites
  • Intestinal and luminal Protozoa - e.g. amebiasis (amebic dysentery), giardiasis (lambliasis)
  • Blood protozoa – e.g. trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, malaria, toxoplasmosis
Multicellular Parasites
  • Endoparasitic forms - e.g. roundworms, flatworms, tapeworms
  • Ectoparasitic forms - e.g. bugs, fleas, lice, ticks
In the practical exercises, protozoan forms will be analysed microscopically. Basic diagnostic methods will be provided. Some of the larger multicellular parasites, e.g. roundworms, will be investigated using histological methods.
Recommended Prerequisites:Basic skills in microscopy.
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Lecture / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Excursion / 4 Hours
  • Practical training / 2 Hours per Week per Semester
  • Self organised studies / 116 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:
  • Lectures and practical exercises can be offered in interaction as classroom teaching or online via digital formats. The decision is up to the module supervisor. He will make a prompt decision based on the current situation.
  • Literature: Good textbooks, meeting our requirements for knowledge in parasitology and general biology, are available in our library.
  • Recommended further textbook: Bush, A. O.; Fernández, J. C.; Esch, G. W.; Seed, J. R.: Parasitism: The Diversity and Ecology of Animal Parasites. Cambridge University Press, 2001 (or newer edition).
Module Examination:Prerequisite + Final Module Examination (MAP)
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:Prerrequisite:
  • Proven regular attendance in the practical exercises ( > 80%)
Final module examination:
  • Written examination, 120 minutes.
The module supervisor decides whether the examination is to be carried out in presence or in digital form (eTest).
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:30
Part of the Study Programme:
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Architektur / keine PO
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Environmental and Resource Management / keine PO
  • Master (research-oriented) / Environmental and Resource Management / PO 2011 - 2. SÄ 2017
  • Master (research-oriented) - Double Degree / Environmental and Resource Management / PO 2021
  • Master (research-oriented) / Environmental and Resource Management / PO 2021
  • Abschluss im Ausland / Euro Hydroinformatics and Water Management / keine PO
  • Bachelor (research-oriented) / Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung / PO 2017
Remarks:A registration for the lectures via Moodle is necessary.
Module Components:Winter Semester
  • 240740 Lecture Parasites 
  • 240747 Excursion Parasitological Excursion
  • 240744 Practical training Parasites 
  • 240722 Examination Parasites
Components to be offered in the Current Semester:
Follow-up Module/s: Phase-out module since: 21.05.2019
  • without Follow-up Module/s