43203 - Solid and liquid Waste Treatment Modulübersicht

Module Number: 43203 - module is no longer offered from WS 2009/10
Module Title:Solid and liquid Waste Treatment
  Behandlung fester und flüssiger Abfälle
Department: Faculty 4 - Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering
Responsible Staff Member:
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Busch, Günter
Language of Teaching / Examination:English
Duration:1 semester
Frequency of Offer: Every summer semester
Credits: 6
Learning Outcome:The students should learn to analyse and to understand typical problems of waste treatment within the social, economical, ecological and technical framework. Furthermore, they will be made familiar with the scientific and engineering backgrounds of waste processing technologies and corresponding management principles by typical examples from all over the world. They are expected to be able to find appropriate solutions fitting to the local situations of their home countries.
Contents:Part 1: Solid Waste Processing:
Introduction, legal framework. Properties, risks and potentials of solid waste. Strategies for recycling and landfill-oriented processing. Waste processing technologies: Mechanical processing, esp. sorting and separation for recycling; biological transformation; thermal treatment and utilization (waste to energy). Combinations of the latter. Optimization strategies. Introduction to hazardous waste treatment.

Part 2: Introduction to waste water treatment
Introduction. Classification of liquid emissions into the environment, generation rates, minimization and recycling potential. Legal and statutory fundamentals, instruments of water conservation. Properties of waste water. Sewerage systems in residential and industrial areas. Basic technologies in waste water purification. Engineering design of waste water treatment systems. Process optimisation, cost control.
Recommended Prerequisites:Module "Basics of water and waste management"
Mandatory Prerequisites:None
Forms of Teaching and Proportion:
  • Lecture / 60 Hours
  • Self organised studies / 120 Hours
Teaching Materials and Literature:Burke, Singh, Theodore: Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology, 2000 Tchobanoglous, Theisen, Vigil: Integrated Solid Waste Management, McGrawHill, 1993Vesilind, Worrell, Reinhart: Solid Waste Engineering, Brooks/Cole 2002Cheremisinoff: Water treatment and waste recovery, 1993Negulescu: Municipal waste water treatment, 1985
Module Examination:Unspecified - Specification from winter semester 2016/17 required!
Assessment Mode for Module Examination:Schriftliche Prüfung 180 Minuten. Getrennte Prüfungen und Nach-/ Wiederholungsprüfungen von je 90 min für beide Teile, jeder Teil muß bestanden sein. Gesamtnote wird aus dem arithmetischen Mittelwert der in beiden Teilen erreichten Punktezahl bestimmt.
Written examination 180 minutes. Separate exams / repetition exams for each part (90 min). Each part must have been passed successfully. The grade will be determined from the arithmetic average of acquired points of each part.
Evaluation of Module Examination:Performance Verification – graded
Limited Number of Participants:None
Part of the Study Programme:
  • no assignment
Module Components:None
Components to be offered in the Current Semester:
  • no assignment