Holdings Labelling of locations in the library catalogue and shelves
Central Campus
FH | Accessible holdings no colored label | borrowable |
GF | Large formate yellow label on the spine of the book Separate sorting on the 3.floor | borrowable |
Mag. | closed stackes order through the library catalogue | borrowable |
Campus Senftenberg / Campus Sachsendorf
Accessible holdings | No colored label | borrowable |
Special collection IS | Closed stacks of Senftenberg library of the former engineering school for mining and energetics, Senftenberg | borrowable |
Central Campus
LS | Reading room green label on the spine of the book | non borrowable |
Mag. / Ra | Closed stacks/Rare books order through library catalogue | non borrowable |
SE + Nummer, Name, Etage | Semster apparatus collection blue label with the note "Semesterapparat" on the spine of the book | non borrowable |
MF | Mikrofiches Separate location in the reading room in the basement | non borrowable |
KS | Map locker Issue through library staff at helpdesk 2nd / 3rd floor | non borrowable |
ZLS | Journal reading room = ongoing journals of the current year | non borrowable |
ZSB | Journal inventory = bound journals Some can be orderes through the library catalogue | non borrowable |
IVS | Special information service Issue through subject librarians | non borrowable |
IBK | Institut für Bau- und Kunstgeschichte library, Lehrgebäude 2d, Basement | non borrowable |
HA | Book collection of a professor See List reference collections | Ask at the institute |
CDA | CD-ROM-Workstation Single working places in the reasing room in the 2nd / 3rd floor | non borrowable |
Campus Senftenberg / Campus Sachsendorf
- Media from the Reading room collection at the other libraries are labeld with a yellow label
- Newspaper, Journals and loose-leaf-collections
- Technical directives and standards
- Semester apparatus collections
- Closed stacks material Cottbus (Special collection IMB / International music library)