Interlibrary loan
Scientific literature, which is not part of the collection of the library, can be ordered from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan according to the Leihverkehrsordnung (LMOs) for registered users of the University Library.
Please note that not everything you order can be delivered.
To make an interlibrary loan you need exact bibliographic data, which can be determined through bibliographies, databases etc..
Can be ordered via interlibrary loan:
- Books (monographs), borrowabel
- Copies of journal articles (for retention)
- Copies of articles from books (for retention)
Will not be delivered:
- literature already present in the University library and Cottbus libraries
- Electronic ressources
- Reference books
- Exam papers, Bachlor- and Master thesis and Diploma thesis
- Newspaper and journals
- Loose-leaf collections
- Standards
- old holdings (until 1900), valuable media
Kathrin Günther
T +49 (0)3573 85 305
According to the fee regulations of the BTU Cottbus
requests within the German interlibrary loan are to be reimbursed.
The fee is 1.50€ per commissioned order and has to be paid independently of the delivery success within 4 weeks or to be rebooked university intern.
For international interlibrary loan requests higher processing and postage costs may occur.
Copies of journal articles up to 20 pages are delivered free of charge. For more than 20 pages additional costs may be charged.
All costs incurred by the lending library, as well as any postage due for written notification (if no email address exists) or sending copies (if explicitly requested) will be charged to the user.

To rebook interlibrary fees to the library accounts of the department please fill in this form!
As soon as your order arrives at the University Library, you will receive a notification by e-mail. You can borrow books ordered via the interlibrary loan at the respective service desk of your location with your library card or use it in the reading room.
Copies of essays are for retention.