Bachelor of Technologies of Biogenic Raw Materials Studium, und was dann?

This broad-based study programme offers graduates a number of job and research opportunities in the fields of producing, processing, utilising and marking of renewable raw materials and their after-products. The programme seeks to meet future R&D needs of industry in this field and to engender qualified and regionally deployable junior staff. For this reason, academic courses leading to a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Technologies of Biogenic Raw Materials are not based on traditional didactic, but have purposely integrated both traditional and application-specific learning techniques. During their studies, future engineers are already confronting problems and challenges that they will face later in the context of working in industry or research. In addition to theoretical training, great value is placed on augmenting acquiredknowledge with practical experience. The Chair particulary stresses training in ecologically sound, sustainable use of biogenic raw materials and renewable energy resources. To this end, cooperation is maintained between our own Chairs and Institutes, across university faculties andwith international institutions.