A wide variety of research projects are carried out within the UTC. In most cases, the chairs and departments are involved in large-scale research projects. An example is the program "Virtual Engine" (VIT), which started in 2003 with VIT I and have been continued continuously until VIT V. An overview of these and other research programs can be found here (in German).
VIT VI is currently in preparation.
Virtual Engine (Virtuelles Triebwerk (VIT)) - Part 6
Planning is currently underway for Part 6 as the successor program to VIT-V of the "Virtual Engine" (VIT) program. Here, the focus will be on the development of AI-supported methods and tools, both in product development and in engine operation, for example by enabling condition-based maintenance and repair by means of digital twins. Of course, the topic of hybrid-electric engines will also play an important role due to the reduction of climate-damaging emissions demanded by the aviation industry.
Ongoing projects
Current major research projects involving several UTC members include the following:
ETHAN - Safe and reliable electrical and thermal networks for hybrid-electric propulsion systems
- DIREKT - Digital life cycle of electric drive systems
Completed projects
Some examples of completed projects can be found in the list below.
- VIT-V - Verfahren der Industrie 4.0 für die Triebwerks-Vorentwicklung (Industry 4.0 process for engine pre-development)
- KEPLER - Key System, Entwurfs-Prozesse, Leichtbau, EHM für Hochleistungs-Reduktionsgetriebe (Key System, design processes, lightweight construction, EHM for high-performance reduction gears)