Dr.-Ing. David Zellhöfer
Oracle Certified Associate
- 2000-2001: Study of computer science at the TU Berlin
- 2001-2006: Study of media computer science at the FHTW Berlin (international study program)
- 2003-2004: Study of computer science and communication and interactivity at the LiU (Schweden)
- 2006-2007: Study of computer science (M.Sc.) at the university Potsdam
- 2007-2012: Scientific assistant at the BTU Cottbus
- 2012-2013: Senior Software Engineer for Capgemini
- 2013-2014: IT-Referent for the federal office of consumer protection and food safety
- 2014-today: Head of division (information and data management) for the Berlin state library
Research interests
- Data mining and similarity search for food inspection
- Multimedia retrieval and Human-Machine-Communication
- Generation of user-oriented query weights and machine learning
- Visualization
- Computer science and ethics
- BMBF-ForMaT-Project "Multimediale Ähnlichkeitssuche zum Matchen, Typologisieren und Segmentieren" (Phase 2)