The chair database and information systems belongs to the departement of computer science of the faculty 1: STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics of the Brandenburg University of Technology. The chair has existed since 1993 and Prof. Ingo Schmitt has been the head of the chair since 2006.
Research and teaching of the chair DBIS concentrate on storage, management, processing and evaluation of huge databases. For example, the integration of heterogeneous data into a data warehouse or the extraction of knowledge from databases using data mining algorithms will be addressed. Concerning this topic, the chair had a cooperation with the Airbus DS GmbH for analyzing sensor data from the international space station (ISS).
Another focus of the chair is the content-based similarity search using quantum logic. In particular, it deals with the question to find objects in a database which satisfy the user's information need. The main topics are the usage of effective comparing functions, approaches to speed up similarity computations and the processing of huge databases. These steps can be expanded by a relevance feedback process for improving the query results.
The chair is repsonsible for technical questions concerning the internet presence of the city Cottbus (www.cottbus.de).