Individual Publications
Fuentes, Paula / Huerta, Santiago (2020): The Cathedral of Girona and the Language of Equilibrium, in: May, Roland et al. (Hg.): Konstruktionssprachen. Überlegungen zur Periodisierung von Bautechnikgeschichte, Basel/Berlin 2020, pp. 101–130.
Fuentes, Paula (2019): Mechanics of Flying Buttresses: the Case of the Cathedral of Mallorca. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 13, 2019 (5), pp. 617–630.
Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (Eds., 2019): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic. Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten 2, Basel/Berlin 2019.
Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (2019): The Vaults of Mallorca Cathedral: Rising to a Technical Challenge. In: Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (Hg.): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic, Basel/Berlin 2019, pp. 95–124.
Fuentes, Paula; Wunderwald, Anke (2017): La construcción de las bóvedas de la catedral de Mallorca: una revisión bibliográfica, in: Actas del X Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción v. 2., Madrid 2017, pp. 611–623.
Korensky, Julia (2020): Approaches to Country House Ruins in England in the Twentieth Century. Dissertation, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2020.
Kosykh, Aleksandra (2023): Pioneers of Modern Construction. Building with Iron in 18th-century Russia, Doctoral dissertation, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg 2023.
Kosykh, Aleksandra (2020): The Russian «Language of Building Iron Roofs»: Genesis and Early Dialects. In: May, Roland et al. (Eds.): Konstruktionssprachen. Überlegungen zur Periodisierung von Bautechnikgeschichte, Basel/Berlin 2020, pp. 47–60.
Kosykh, Aleksandra (2020): Building With Iron in Eigtheenth-century Tula: The armory capital of Russia and its iron Roofs. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge 2020, pp. 15–29.
Kosykh, Aleksandra (2019): A Feat of Russian Engineering from the 1740s, the Iron Roof of the Refectory Church of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge 2019, pp. 340–357.
Kosykh, Aleksandra / Lorenz, Werner / Frommelt, Konrad (2018): The Roof of the Marble Palace in Saint-Petersburg: A structural iron ensemble from the 1770s. In: Proceeding of the Sixth International Congress on Construction History, Vol. 2, Brussels 2018, pp. 809–817.
Pant, Smriti (2019): Capital Planning and State Formation: Examples Outside Europe. In: Rethinking Modernity: Architecture and Urban Planning of the 20th Century – Between Avant-garde and Tradition (ICOMOS – Journals of the German National Committee LXIX), Stuttgart 2019, pp. 59–65.
Pant, Smriti (2017): International Expert Meeting "World Heritage Potential of Testimonies to Aerospace". In: German National Committee of ICOMOS e.V. (ICOMOS Germany) Members' Newsletter, No. 1/2017, May 2017, p. 6.
Pant, Smriti / Schmidt, Leo (2016): Post-Conflict Rebuilding. Guidelines for Safeguarding the Cultural Significance of Historic Cities Damaged in Armed Conflict. In: BTU News, No. 46, September 2016, Cottbus 2016, p. 22.
Pant, Smriti / Schmidt, Leo (2016): Shaping the Future of Syrian Cultural Heritage. In: BTU News, No. 46, September 2016, Cottbus 2016, p. 23.
Pant, Smriti / Korensky, Vladimir / Kuban, Sabine (2016): Die Entwicklung von Eisenbeton im internationalen Vergleich. In: BTU News, No. 45, May 2016, Cottbus 2016, p. 59.
Troeller, Jordan (2020): Lucia Moholy's Idle Hands. In: October. 172, Spring 2020, pp. 68–108.
Troeller, Jordan (2020): Drawing Lessons: Ruth Asawa's Early Work on Paper, in: Laura Muir (Hg.): The Bauhaus and Harvard. New Haven. Yale University Press 2020, pp. 30–42.
Troeller, Jordan (2019): Breuer’s New Women, in: Otto, Elizabeth/Rössler, Patrick (Hg.): Bauhaus Bodies 2019, pp. 311–333.
Troeller, Jordan (2019): Anni Albers’s ‘Pliable Plane’: Writing on Architecture and the Nomadic Textile, in: Dogramaci, B. (Hg.): Textile Moderne / Textile Modernism. Köln 2019, pp. 217–228.
Wunderwald, Anke / Druyinzski v. Boetticher, Alexandra / Schneider, Peter I. (Eds., 2020): Von der Kunst, ein Bauwerk zu verstehen. Perspektiven der Bau- und Stadtbaugeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Oppenheim am Rhein 2020.
Wunderwald, Anke (2020): Früher Baudekor in der Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela, in: Druyinzski v. Boetticher, Alexandra et al. (Eds.): Von der Kunst, ein Bauwerk zu verstehen. Perspektiven der Bau- und Stadtbaugeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Oppenheim am Rhein 2020, pp. 221–230.
Wunderwald, Anke / Fuentes, Paula (Eds., 2019): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic. Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten 2, Basel/Berlin 2019.
Wunderwald, Anke / Fuentes, Paula (2019): The Vaults of Mallorca Cathedral: Rising to a Technical Challenge. In: Fuentes, Paula / Wunderwald, Anke (Eds.): The Art of Vaulting. Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic, Basel/Berlin 2019, pp. 95–124.
Wunderwald, Anke; Fuentes, Paula (2017): La construcción de las bóvedas de la catedral de Mallorca: una revisión bibliográfica. In: Actas del Décimo Congreso Nacional y Segundo Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción, Donostia – San Sebastián, 03.–07.10.2017, Bd. 2, Madrid 2017, S. 611–623.