Academic Staff – Research Associate and Lecturer
Jana Schäfer

Jana Schäfer studied sociology with an emphasis is sociological theory, migration and mobility studies and gender studies at Bielefeld University. Her PhD thesis analyses sexualized violence from an intersectional perspective with an emphasis of subjectivation. Her post-doc projects include work on return migration, memory and other topics.
She is interested in sociological theory, cultural sociology, intersectionality, gender/sexuality, migration/mobility/critical race theory, post/decolonial and post-socialist studies, health/disability, age, violence, qualitative research methods.
Jana Schäfer is also the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of Faculty 5 and can be contacted in cases of violence and harassment: gleichstellung+f5(at) or her private email.
Jana can also be contacted for questions regarding student advisory services for the MSc and BSc Culture and Technology and BA Digital Society degree programs.
Monographs and Special Issues
Schäfer, J., What is Sexualized Violence? Intersectional Readings. New York: Routledge. (web)
Amelina, A., Molitor, V., Vasilache, A., Zimenkova, T. & Schäfer, J. (i.E.) Vulnerable Mobilities Between Imperial Legacies and Coloniality of War. Special Issue in Mobilities.
Schäfer, J., The Administration of Pain – Sexualized Violence as a Social Practice of (Inter)subjection. Unpublished doctoral thesis manuscript. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Amelina, A., Schäfer, J. & Trzeciak, M., Special Issue: Current Conflicts over Migration, Belonging and Membership: Classificatory Struggles Revisited, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Volume 19(1).
Journal articles and book chapters
Amelina, A. & Schäfer, J., Re-Centring Class-Making Across Borders at Various Durées: Translocational Optic, Coloniality of Class Theory, and Multiscalar Capitalist Dynamics. Global Network, Special Issue ‘Transnational class formation: identities, practices and symbolic classifications’, eds. Karolina Barglowski & Sören Carlsson (peer-reviewed) (web)
Trzeciak, M.F. & Schäfer, J., „Aggressive Flüchtlinge, gewaltbereite Hooligans, verunsicherte Bürger“ Postkoloniale und postsozialistische Grenzziehungen in den Mediatisierungen von Migration und Konflikt in Ostdeutschland. In: Birgit Blättel-Mink (Hg.), Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. DGS. (Download)
Schäfer, J., Transnationalität und soziale Ungleichheit. In: Gerst, D., Klessmann, M., Krämer, H. (Hrsg.): Grenzforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. (Border Studies. Cultures, Spaces, Orders, Band 3) Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 207-221. (web)
Amelina, A., Schäfer, J. & Trzeciak, M., Classificatory Struggles Revisited: Theorizing Current Conflicts over Migration, Belonging and Membership. In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 19:1, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2020.1854918. (peer-reviewed) (web)
Trzeciak, M. & Schäfer, J., "Aggressive Refugees, Violent Hooligans, Concerned Citizens”: Reinterpreting Multiple Processes of Difference-Making in Mediatizations of Migration and Conflict in East Germany in the German Media. In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 19:1, 55-67, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2020.1856995. (peer-reviewed) (web)
Trzeciak, M. & Schäfer, J., Die Verhandlung von ethnosexueller Zugehörigkeit in Diskursereignissen zu Konflikten um Migration in Cottbus und Köthen. Migration und Soziale Arbeit 2019(3): 8–24. DOI: 10.3262/MIG1903218. (peer-reviewed) (web)
Schäfer, J., & Amelina, A. (2021) Book Review: Floya Anthias, Translocational Belongings: Intersectional Dilemmas and Social Inequalities. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 28(4), 547–551. (web)
Amelina, A. & Schäfer, J., Rezension: Birgit Blättel-Mink, Torsten Noack, Corinna Onnen, Katrin Späte und Rita Stein-Redent (Hrsg.): Flüchtigkeiten. Sozialwissenschaftliche Debatten. In: Z´flucht. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 4(1): 152-156. (web)
Schäfer, J., Rezensionsessay zu Rechtsextremismus. Band 3: Geschlechterreflektierte Perspektiven, Berliner Debatte Initial 1/2020: 163-166. (web)
Amelina, A. & Schäfer, J., Review: Intersectionality as Aritical Social theory, Patricia Hill Collins, 2019, Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1707252. (web)
Schäfer, J., Review Essay: Sven Beckert and Dominic Sachsenmaier eds. Global History, Globally: Research and Practice around the World; John Harrison and Michael Hoyler eds. Doing Global Urban Research; Eve Darian-Smith and Philip McCarty. The Global Turn: Theories, Research Designs, and Methods for Global Studies, New Global Studies. DOI: 10.1515/ngs-2019-0027. (web)
Other publications
Schäfer, J., Preface and Editor, „Dokumentation: SEXUELLE VERBRECHEN KENNEN KEINE VERJÄHRUNG! 19.06.2023." Berlin: Korea Verband e.V.
Schäfer, J., Feuer löschen statt Brände mauern. Ostjournal June 2024. (web)
in Italian, L’incendio va spento, non si blocca con un muro, DINAMOpress, July 12th, 2024 (web)
Schäfer, J., Kann – Muss – Darf Erinnern? O[s]tklick Community-Zine „Erinnern“, S. 6-7. Berlin: Zentrum für liberale Moderne. (web)
Lippelt, J. & Schäfer, J., Die neuen Cottbuser*innen – oder doch Geflüchtete? MIKOWA – Forschungsplattform Migration, Konflikt und sozialer Wandel, MIKOWA Infobrief, No. 1, 2019. (Download)
Interdisciplinary Conference "Die Kämpfe um die Grenzen des Sagbaren: Konflikte um Migration und Zugehörigkeit", 6 June 2019, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Lübbenau (with Anna Amelina)
International Conference “Conflicts over Cross-Border Migration, Classifications and Belonging: Conceptual, Normative and Epistemological Challenges of Migration Research”, 6-7 June 2018, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Lübbenau, Germany (with Anna Amelina and Miriam Friz Trzeciak)
“Globalization – Transnationalization – Society. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Theories of Society and Cross-Border Studies”, 15.-16. Februar 2018, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
„Sexualisierte Gewalt. Was geht mich das an?“ UN Orange the World, 05.12.2023, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
“Gendered Violence in the Name of Imperial Memories: Renegotiation of Social Membership of Mobile Ukrainian Citizens in Germany and the Russian Federation,” (with Anna Amelina) XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 29.06.2023, Melbourne, Australien
“Approaching Contested Entanglements: Postsocialist Colonialities in Membership, Mobility and Memories, (with Anna Amelina, Manuel Peters, Miriam Trzeciak) XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 28.06.2023, Melbourne, Australien
“Approaching Contested Entanglements: Postsocialist Colonialities in Membership, Mobility and Memories”, (with Anna Amelina, Manuel Peters, Miriam Friz Trzeciak), “Postcolonial and Postsocialist Interdependencies in the Framework of Cross-Border Interactions”, 2023 Summer Seminar Series, 13.02.2023 BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg und TU Chemnitz, hybrid
„Gendered Violence in the Name of Empire: A Comparative Outlook to Social Membership of Mobile Ukrainian Citizens” (with Anna Amelina), International Workshop ‘Vulnerabilities, War, Violence: Relocating Europe(s) in the Context of a New Historical Conjuncture’, 25.11.22, Universität Bielefeld, hybrid
„Aggressive Flüchtlinge, gewaltbereite Hooligans, verunsicherte Bürger“ Postkoloniale, postsozialistische und heterosexistische Grenzziehungen in den Mediatisierungen von Migration und Konflikt in Ostdeutschland (with Miriam Friz Trzeciak), Ad hoc-Gruppe „Von Tradierungen zu Verflechtungen? Koloniale und völkische Erbschaften, Postsozialismus und patriarchale Machtverhältnisse in Verhandlungen von Migration“ DGS Kongress 2020, September 2020, online
“Contested migrant belongings - The (re)negotiation of ethnosexual frontiers in the German media” (with Miriam Friz Trzeciak), 5th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, 26-28 September, Prag, Czech Republic.
“Racialized Sexuality. What we talk about when we talk about 'our women'”, International Conference “Conflicts over Cross-Border Migration, Classifications and Belonging: Conceptual, Normative and Epistemological Challenges of Migration Research”, 6-7 June, Lübbenau
„Intersektionelle Perspektiven auf rassifizierte Repräsentationen von Geschlecht in Konflikten um Migration“, with Miriam Friz Trzeciak, „Fachgespräch: Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Migration, Konflikt und gesellschaftlichen Wandel“, 20 June, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus