Chair of
Communications Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Wolff
Best Paper Award
Peter beim Graben, Ronald Römer, Werner Meyer, Markus Huber and Matthias Wolff
"Reinforcement Learning of Minimalist Numeral Grammars"
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications 2019, Napoli, Italy
Best Paper Award
Matthias Wolff, Markus Huber, Günther Wirsching, Ronald Römer, Peter beim Graben, Ingo Schmitt
"Towards a Quantum Mechanical Model of the Inner Stage of Cognitive Agents"
9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Info Communications (CogInfoCom), Aug. 22-24, 2018
Best Research Paper Award
Markus Huber, Matthias Wolff, Werner Meyer, Oliver Jokisch, Kati Nowack,
“Some Design Aspects of a Cognitive User Interface”
Knowledge Management Conference 2018, Pisa, Italy
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