BTU Technology Transfer Database
BTU Webex
BTU Webmail
Course catalog
Faculty 1 Examination Boards (German)
Grade Booking System
Intranet (German)
- External Funds Statistics (German)
myBTU (German)
Staff directory (German)
Typo3 Backend
UBICO University Bibliography (German)
Uni-Assist Portal (German)
Fraunhofer Project Group KogMatD
Servers and Network Devices
SVN Server Communication Engineering
FhG Content
Software Repositories
FockBox: A Fock space toolbox for computational cognition
CSL: BTU Cognitive Systems Lab room control software
dLabPro: A signal processing and acoustic pattern recognition toolbox
UASR: Unified Approach to signal Synthesis and Recognition
jLab: Java components and visualization for dLabPro and UASR (Maven artifacts)
LCARS Widget Toolkit (Binary releases • Maven artifacts)
DRAKON Widget Toolkit (Maven artifacts)
tikz-3dplot-circleofsphere: Drawing circles of a sphere with tikz-3dplot
tikz-quantumgates: Drawing quantum circuits with TikZ
Casio-VZ-virtual-instrument: A virtual replica of the Casio VZ-1/VZ-10M music synthesizer
Databases Repositories @GitHub
Eclipse plug-in for dLabPro/UASR
Update site:
Journal & Conference Rankings
Right to publish own papers (§38 UrhG, German)