This page contains bachelor and master theses currently offered by the chair of communications engineering.
Realisierung eines Top-Down-Parsers für Minimalistische Grammatiken
(in German language only)
Automatische Schadensdetektion mit Maschinenlernverfahren
(in German language only)
Integration des Microsoft-Spracherkenners ins Labor für kognitive Systeme
(in German language only)
Voice Activation Using a Speech Recognizer
Voice Activity Detection Using a Phoneme Recognizer
Speech Recognition Using Triphone Models
Voice Control of a Microphone Array
Integration des Microsoft-Spracherkenners ins Labor für kognitive Systeme (in German language only)
Developing of a method to create UMT
Integration of a Modulation Filterbank into the Feature Extraction of a Speech Recognition System
A Hierarchical Analysis-Synthesis System for Text Processing
Modeling Genetic and Epigenetic Processes Using Finite State Machines
An Information Theoretical Study of Cognitive Systems
Statistical Grapheme-Phoneme Conversion Using Finite State Transducers
Project and graduation work in the job exchange of the Career Center of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
For further topics and individual advice pleace contact Dr. Ronald Römer.
Theses may be written in German or English.