Quantenlogik: Eine Einführung für Ingenieure und Informatiker
G. Wirsching, M. Wolff, I Schmitt: Quantenlogik: Eine Einführung für Ingenieure und Informatiker. Springer Vieweg, 2023. ISBN 978-3-662-66779-8.
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Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 1: Signalanalyse
Intelligent Signal Processing 1: Signal Analysis
R. Hoffmann, M. Wolff: Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 1: Signalanalyse, 2. Auflage. Springer Vieweg, 2015. ISBN 978-3662453223.
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Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 2: Signalerkennung
Intelligent Signal Processing 2: Signal Recognition
R. Hoffmann, M. Wolff: Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 2: Signalerkennung, 2. Auflage. Springer Vieweg, 2015. ISBN 978-3-662-46725-1.
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Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachübertragung
Speech Processing and Speech Transmission
K. Fellbaum: Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachübertragung. Springer, 2. Auflage 2012. ISBN 978-3-642315-02-2.

Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2012
Electronic Speech Signal Processing 2012
M. Wolff (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2012. Tagungsband der 23. Konferenz Cottbus, 29. – 31. August 2012. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Band 64. TUDpress, Dresden, 2012. ISBN 978-3-942710-81-7.

Akustische Mustererkennung
Acoustic Pattern Recognition
M. Wolff: Akustische Musterkennung. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Band 57. TUDpress, Dresden, 2011. ISBN 978-3-942710-14-5.
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Automatisches Lernen von Aussprachewörterbüchern
Automatic Learning of Pronunciation Dictionaries
M. Wolff: Automatisches Lernen von Aussprachewörterbüchern. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Band 32. w.e.b. Universitätsverlag, Dresden, 2004. ISBN 978-3-937672-71-7.
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Student work
[Eck18] F. Eckert: Access control CSL. Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2018. [Klan18] G. Klann: Implementation of an LTI system in a "Raspberry Pi" single board computer. Bachelor thesis, BTU, Professorship of Communication Engineering, 2018. [Don18] Y. Dong: Dual optimization of linked MDPs. Master's thesis, BTU, Department of Communication Engineering, 2018.
[Ges16] P. Geßler:Cognitive device control.Master thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2016.
[Goe16] D. Götze:Natural science and humanities foundations of cognitive systems.Master's thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Engineering, 2016.
[Hah16] F. Hahn:LTI lecture experiment: convolutional reverberation..Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Engineering, 2016.
[Bec15] A. Becker:Fixed-commutation of the generalized MEL cepstrum.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Hes15] F. Hesse:Adaptation of an existing positioning device.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Jun15] T. Jung:Person recognition and position determination with data from the Kinect camera.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Mey15] W. Meyer:Modeling and implementation of acognitive behavior control.Master thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Waw15] J. Wawra:Experiments on acoustic pattern recognition.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Poe15] M. Pöschick:Replication of Hilberg's speech machine.Student research project, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2015.
[Bir15] M. Birth:Robust parameter estimationfor DS beamformingin a three-dimensional microphone field.Master thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Engineering, 2015.
[Ges14] P. Geßler:Voice authentication.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2014.
[Wer14] T. Werner:HMM-based analysis synthesis systemfor processing 3D trajectories.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology (second opinion), 2014.
[Stö14] M. Stöhr:Wizard-of-Oz method - voice control of a music library.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2014.
[Foe14] L. Förster:Rejecting ungrammatical speech recognizer input.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2014.
[Lin13] M.Linke:Avatars for the representation of sign language.Master's thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2013.
[Ric13] A. Richter:Lecture experiment "LTI system".Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2013.
[Bir13] M. Birth:Speaker localization with a 3D microphone array.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2013.
[Sha13] M. Shamsan:Studies on modeling semantic information using the SIRI language processing system as an example.Student research project, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2013.
[Boc13] A. Bock:Visualization of the convolution operation.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Engineering, 2013.
[Kar12] K. Karnagel:Semantic modeling of system-user interactions using the example of a home entertainment application.Master's thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2012.
[Yin12] X. Yin:Determination of frequency group width.Master thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Engineering, 2012.
[Hae12] R. Härtel, M. Marks:LED status display for a microphone array.Bachelor thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2012.
[Hol11] T. Holfeld:Investigation of realistic acoustic environments and their influence on internet-based speech quality measurements.Diploma Thesis, BTU, Chair of Communication Technology, 2011.