Minimalist Grammarsby Isidor Konrad Maier
Epistemic Quantization of Neural Systems and Mind-Matter Complementarity PD Dr. Peter beim Graben
Condoms Just Make the Problem Worse: A Formal Semantic Analysis of the AIDS-Discourse Surrounding Pope Benedict XVI
Peter Klimczak, Günther Wirsching, Matthias Wolff
Series: Conference "Popes on the Rise!"
Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell’Anima, Vatican
Production: Centrum für Religion und Moderne (WWU Münster)
Concept: Mariano Barbato / Johannes Löffler
Camera, sound, and editing: Raul Rognean
Date of production: 2017
(in German)
Futher conference videos: Centrum für Religion und Moderne (WWU Münster)
The Tought in the Machine - Communication without Limits?!
Matthias Wolff
Public lecture series "Human Being 4.0"
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
January 11, 2016
(in German)