Status seminar 2017 "InnoProfile image-based assays" and "FISHng pilot measure structural change"

Dear Sir or Madam,

The InnoProfile Transfer Group "Image-Based Assays" and the "FISHng Pilot Measure Structural Change" cordially invite you to the 2017 Status Seminar. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the interdisciplinary research teams at the Senftenberg campus of the BTU Cottubs Senftenberg, with the aim of developing innovative technologies for medical multiparameter diagnostics and preparing them for market introduction. Building on the preliminary work of the previous InnoProfile initiative "Molecular Diagnostics", researchers led by Prof. Dr. med. Peter Schierack at the BTU CS and partners from the industry (inter alia Attomol GmbH, PolyAn GmbH, Generic Assays GmbH, Medipan GmbH) a versatile platform for cell- and microparticle-based assays. Some of the research results are already applied in the development of products by the cooperation partners. As part of a public status seminar, platform concepts, current developments and published research results will be presented. The program will be filled out with lectures and discussions. In addition, the involvement of the groups in BTU developments is presented. The event is free and public. If you are interested, we would appreciate a feedback via Doodle (LINK).

Date: 21.11.2016, 10:00 - 14:00


BTU Cottbus - Sentenberg     

Campus Senftenberg     

Universitätsplatz 1    

01968 Senftenberg     

Building 15, room 15.106

If you have any questions, please contact We look forward to seeing you again in Senftenberg

Best regards

Stefan Rödiger & Peter Schierack  

Program (currently under construction)  




InnoProfile image-based assays


Prof. Schierack,     

Dr. Roediger,     

Dr. Hiemann,     

Mrs. Deutschmann,

Attomol GmbH


lunch break


FISHng pilot measure structural change

Table discussion with 2-3 accompanying slides:     

Dr. Repen;

Prof. Schierack,     

Dr. Roediger,     

Mrs. Sowa,     

Mr. Jurischka,     

Mr. Noack,     

Prof. Roggenbuck,     

Dr. Hannemann,     

Dr. Berghoff,     

Prof. Bühling,     

Prof. Hanack


Closing words