- Relationships between functional diversity and food production and quality under ecological intensification (2020-2024 FUNPROD contact: DR. Roman Bucher, BiodivERsa ERA-Net)
- Land-use effects on the functional role of spiders in food webs in permanent grasslands (2020-2024 Spiderfun contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DFG)
- Incorporating trophic interactions into the optimization of cost-effective agri-environmental schemes for biodiversity conservation in grasslands (2020-2024 TrophCost contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DFG)
- Ecosystem functioning of sub-mediterranean regions: the functional frontier among Mediterranean and Eurosiberian forest communities (2020-2024 ECOFUMER contact: Dr. de la Riva, DFG)
- Strategies for the development of pyrophobic and climate change resistant forests on forest fire sites (2020-2025 PYROPHOB & project contact: Dr. El Aziz Djoudi, BMEL & BMU)
- Multifunctional Landscapes in Southern Africa under Climate Change (2021-2024, MULTILAND; Kontakt: Prof. Birkhofer, DAAD)
- Rangeland improvement through bush control and sustainable intensification (2022-2026 RIBS; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, BMBF)
- Stabilisation and increase of biodiversity and ecosystem services on agricultural land through the creation of diverse agroforestry systems (2022-2026 SEBAS; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, BfN)
- Classical biological control of the Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in Africa and Asia: laying the foundations (2023-2025 ARMYWORM; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DAAD-PRIME)
- Agricultural pests under changing landscapes and climates: opportunities and costs to mitigate crop damage through managing biodiversity in Southern Africa (2023-2024 PestClim; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DFG)
- Artificial intelligence(AI)-based methods to monitor arthropods for improved pollination and pest control in sustainable African fruit orchards (2023-2024 AutoPest; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DFG)
- Managing soil biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems across Europe under climate change (2017-2020 SOILCLIM contact: Prof. Birkhofer, coordinator, BiodivERsa ERA-Net)
- Resilience of invertebrate communities in grassland soils (2018-2021 RESOILIANCE contact: Prof. Birkhofer, DFG)
- Insect losses due to the use of conditioners in grasslands (2019-2020 InsektGut contact: Dr. Y. Xueyan, DBU)
- Signatures of disturbed landscapes – A case study in post-mining landscapes (2018-2021 TRANSIENT contact: Prof. Birkhofer, coordinator, BTU Graduate Research School)
- Spider communities in fenced and unfenced forest areas (2019-2022 subproject Linde contact: Prof. Birkhofer, Zwillenberg-Tietz-Foundation)
- Southern African-German network for biodiversity education and research (2019-2022 SAGES contact: Prof. Birkhofer, coordinator, DAAD)
- Integrated analysis of multifunctional fruit production landscapes to promote ecosystem services and sustainable land-use under climate change (2020-2023 MULTIFRUIT; contact: Prof. Birkhofer, BTU Graduate Research School)