Student Research Publications, Projects, Presentations

This page promotes the research, publications, and other projects of our students here at BTU. Our goal is to provide updates on our students’ scientific work, which focuses on both theory and practice. We will occasionally post student publications, student work from lecture series, or reports and photographs from other research projects. We cordially invite you to take a look and get a better idea of what the department is doing and our students’ findings.


My Wilderness

Learning Through Research

The Learning Through Research series contains texts by students, documenting processes as well as methods, meetings and engagment within student research. At the Chair of Technoscience Studies we are...


Plant Journals, Foto: Arvid Fromme

Plant Journal

The ethnographic Plant Journal project involves students selecting a specific plant in Cottbus (or elsewhere) to observe and document throughout the semester. Students make regular entries every two...

Picture 1. Ms. Christina Kliem, Curator of the Wendish Museum, giving a welcome addresss at the seminar.

BTU Seminar on Material Culture at Wendish Museum Cottbus

Led by Prof. Dr. Astrid Schwarz and Dr. Anca Claudia Prodan, the BTU hosted a seminar titled "What Material Culture?" at the Wendish Museum Cottbus on 22 February 2023 with the aim of exploring the...

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Technical genesis of landscape objects according to Simondon

The seminar “Technology Genesis of Landscape Objects According to Simondon” took place online during summer semester 2020 as a biweekly compulsory course. Introducing Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of...

Repair Atelier: Times of Waste

Repair Atelier

Whoever decided to attend “Ethics and Action” with Prof. Astrid Schwarz and Dr. Baruch Gottlieb at the beginning of winter semester 2019 might have expected a lot from the course, but maybe not that...

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Impromptu Design “Discursive Table”

The Chair of Technoscience Studies was founded in Summer Semester 2017, owning several rooms whose usage and interior were to be defined anew. The rooms are situated in a soviet-style prefabricated...

Workshops, Colloquia, and Conferences

International Symposium on Water and Culture

International Symposium on Water and Culture

"I represented BTU and Ghana as a speaker in an International Symposium on Water and Culture held on 3 February 2020 in Tokyo, at the Japanese National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)....