News archive


CfA: New GRS-PhD & Short-term Scholarships

In 2022, the GRS will award up to four full PhD scholarships for 36 months and up to four short-term scholarships for six months to complete the PhD thesis. The call for applications ends on 28 September 2021.


CfA: Individual Grants of the Postdoc Network Brandenburg

The Postdoc Network Brandenburg once again offers open-topic individual fellowships for postdoctoral researchers interested in a research stay at one of Brandenburg's universities (6-24 months). Deadline for applications: 6 August 2021. Funding starting in November 2021.


CfA: GRS Mobility Grants

In 2021, GRS will again award mobility grants to doctoral students and postdocs in the early phase after their doctorate. In addition to conference attendance and short research stays, we also support participation in online conferences.