Welcome to our BTU Startup Community!

Here you will find all relevant start-up-related events in the region as well as all important contact persons for national and international founders or people interested in founding.

If you want to stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

We offer regular events for founders, students, alumni and all interested parties at

Pizza Talk

Every month, you can exchange ideas with us and our invited speakers on various topics related to founding and self-employment over free pizza.

GETTING STARTED - 101 of Entrepreneurship

Every winter semester COLab offers this intensive workshop week as a FüS module in English.

During this Week of Workshops you will learn everything from scratch - from product conception to marketing. You can expect workshops on project management, business plan development, graphic design and presentation techniques. The best ideas will have the chance to be presented to a qualified jury. In addition, participants will receive exciting prizes, many new contacts and a creative environment.

Startup Camps

The startup ecosystem Startup Lausitz offers these regular events. You will be supported by qualified business coaches to turn your idea into a finished business concept. Important contacts are made at networking events and you get to know the Lausitz business location during excursions.

START SMART - Summer School for Entrepreneurs

START SMART takes place for the first time June 12th - 14th. It is a three-day event organized in cooperation by COLab, BTU Startup Community and BTU Startup Service. It is aimed at individuals interested in starting their own business, including those with an international background, international students, and researchers. It offers a dynamic mix of workshops, discussion rounds, After Work events, networking sessions, pitch events, and informative lectures, all free of charge. Information and Registration here.