Online examinations
Since January 2021, the possibility of conducting oral and written module examinations as online examinations has been anchored in the framework regulations for Bachelor and Master study programmes. This also applies to for theses defences.
Principles detailed in Annex 2 of the Framework Regulations:
1. Online module examinations must be documented in the module description. Changes to the examination format must be announced in good time, usually at the beginning of the semester.
2. Students must be informed in good time about the technical and organisational requirements for taking an online examination; they should be given an opportunity to try out the examination situation.
3. If students cannot or do not wish to take an online examination, they shall be offered an equivalent face-to-face examination in one of the two examination periods of the same semester on request.
4. Authentication is carried out before the start of the online examination. For this purpose, students must either present a valid identity card/passport or the chip card.
5. Strict regulations on data protection and information security must be observed (see point C, of Annex 2).
In online tests, the written examination is carried out simultaneously for all examination participants under video supervision. This means that students must have their camera and microphone switched on during the examination.
Online oral examinations are conducted as a video conference with an appropriate system. All participants have their cameras and microphones switched on for the duration of the examination. The contents and results are recorded as in a face-to-face examination. Recording of the examination is not permitted.
The same principles and regulations apply to theses defences conducted by video conference as to oral module examinations. However, it is a prerequisite that both students and examiners agree to this.
In the event of serious technical faults in an online test, the examination will be cancelled. The examination performance and attempt will not be assessed. Such disruptions can be, for example: problems with the transmission of the tasks, with the processing of the task or with the video supervision.
If faults occur in the transmission of images and/or sound during oral or practical online examinations, the examination will be interrupted and continued after the fault has been rectified. If the fault cannot be rectified, the examination will be repeated at a later date. In this case, too, the interrupted examination performance and the attempt will not be assessed. If only a small part of the examination is still open, it may be completed by telephone.