Implementation of Device-to-Device and Cycle-to-Cycle Variability of Memristive Devices in Circuit Simulations
C. Bischoff, J. Leise, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, A. Kloes, Solid State Electronics 194, 108321 (2022)
In-Depth Characterization of Switching Dynamics in Amorphous HfO2 Memristive Arrays for the Implementation of Synaptic Updating Rules
E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, Ch. Wenger, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61(SM), SM1007 (2022)
Ultrathin HfO2/Al2O3 Bilayer Based Reliable 1T1R RRAM Electronic Synapses with Low Power Consumption for Neuromorphic Computing
Q. Wang, Y. Wang, R. Luo, J. Wang, L. Ji, Z. Jinag, Ch. Wenger, W. Ren J. Bi, G. Niu, Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2, 044012 (2022)
Evaluating Read Disturb Effect on RRAM based AI Accelerator with Multilevel States and Input Voltages
J. Wen, A. Baroni, E. Perez, M. Ulbricht, Ch. Wenger, M. Krstic Proc. 35th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFTS 2022)
Activity of AC Electrokinetically Immobilized Horseradish Peroxidase
M. Prüfer, Ch. Wenger, F.F. Bier, E.-M. Laux, R. Hölzel, Electrophoresis 1 (2022)
Towards the Growth of hBN on Ge/Si Substrates by CVD
M. Franck, J. Dabrowski, M.A. Schubert, Ch. Wenger, M. Lukosius, Proc. Graphene 2022, 164 (2022)
Mitigating the Effects of RRAM Process Variation on the Accuracy of Artifical Neural Networks
M. Fritscher, J. Knödtel, M. Mallah, S. Pechmann, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, T. Rizzi, Ch. Wenger, M. Reichenbach, Proc. 21st International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS 2021), LNCS 13227, 401 (2022)
Statistical Model of Program/Verify Algorithms in Resistive Switching Memories for In-Memory Neural Network Accelerators
A. Glukhov, V. Milo, A. Baroni, N. Lepri, C. Zambelli, P. Olivo, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, Proc. International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2022), 3C.3-1
In-Memory Principal Component Analysis by Crosspoint Array of Rresistive Switching Memory
P. Mannocci, A. Baroni, E. Melacarne, C. Zambelli, P. Olivo, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 4 (2022)
A Novel Graphene Adjustable-Barriers Transistor with Ultra-High Current Gain
C. Strobel, C.A. Chavarin, K. Richter, M. Knaut, J. Reif, S. Völkel, A. Jahn, M. Albert, Ch. Wenger, R. Kirchner, J.W. Bartha, T. Mikolajick , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14(34), 39249 (2022)
AC Electrokinetic Immobilization of Influenza Virus
S. Stanke, Ch. Wenger,, F.F. Bier, R. Hölzel, Electrophoresis 1 (2022)
Improved Graphene-Base Heterojunction Transistor with Different Collector Semiconductors for High-Frequency Applications
C. Strobel, C.A. Chavarin, S. Leszczynski, K. Richter, M. Knaut, J. Reif, S. Völkel, M. Albert, Ch. Wenger, J.W. Bartha,T. Mikolajick, Advanced Materials Letters 13(1), 0111688 (2022)
An Energy-efficient In-Memory Computing Architecture for Survival Data Analysis based on Resistive Switching Memories (RRAM)
A. Baroni, A. Glukhov, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, E. Calore, S.F. Schifano, P. Olivo, D. Ielmini, C. Zambelli, Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 932270 (2022)
Low Conductance State Drift Characterization and Mitigation in Resistive Switching Memories (RRAM) for Artificial Neural Networks
A. Baroni, A. Glukhov, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, P. Olivo, C. Zambelli, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 22(3), 340 (2022)
Implementation of Device-to-Device and Cycle-to-Cycle Variability of Memristive Devices in Circuit Simulations
C. Bischoff, J. Leise, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, A. Kloes, Solid State Electronics 194, 108321 (2022)
Analytical Calculation of Inference in Memristor-Based Stochastic Artificial Neural Networks
N. Bogun, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, A. Kloes, M. Schwarz, Proc. 29th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2022), 83 (2022)
Towards the Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Ge(001)/Si Substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition
M. Franck, J. Dabrowski, M.A. Schubert, Ch. Wenger, M. Lukosius, Nanomaterials 12, 3260 (2022)
End-to-End Modeling of Variability-Aware Neural Networks based on Resistive Switching Memory Arrays
A. Glukhov, N. Lepri, V. Milo, A. Baroni, C. Zambelli, P. Olivo, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, Proc. 30th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2022), (2022)
Toward Controlling the Al2O3/ZnO Interface Properties by In-Situ ALD Preparation
C. Janowitz, A. Mahmoodinezhad, M. Kot, C. Morales, F. Naumann, P. Plate, M.H. Zoellner, F. Bärwolf, D. Stolarek, Ch. Wenger, K. Henkel, J.I. Flege, Dalton Transactions 51, 9291 (2022)
Graphene Research in 200 mm CMOS Pilot Line
M. Lukosius, R. Lukose, M. Lisker, G. Luongo, M. Elviretti, A. Mai, Ch. Wenger, Proc. 45th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO 2022), 113 (2022)
Modulating the Filamentary Based Resistive Switching Properties of HfO2 Memristive Devices by Adding Al2O3 Layers
M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez, M. Lisker, M.A. Schubert, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, Ch. Wenger, A. Mai, Electronics (MDPI) 11(10), 1540 (2022)
Adaptation Strategies for Personalized Gait Neuroprosthetics
A.D. Koelewijn, M. Audu, A.J. del-Ama, A. Colucci, J.M. Font-Llagunes, A. Gogeascoechea Hernandez, S. Hnat, N. Makowski, J.C. Moreno, M. Nandor, R. Quinn, M. Reichenbach, R.-D. Reyes, M. Sartori, S. Soekader, R.J. Triolo, M. Vermehren, Ch. Wenger, U.S. Yavuz, D. Fey, P. Beckerle, Frontiers in Neurorobotics 15, 750619 (2021)
Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Indium Oxide Thin Films using Trimethylindium and Oxygen Plasma
A. Mahmoodinezhad, C. Morales, F. Naumann, P. Plate, R. Meyer, C. Janowitz, K. Henkel, M. Kot, M.H. Zoellner, Ch. Wenger, J.I. Flege, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 36(6), 062406 (2021)
Characterization and Separation of Live and Dead Yeast Cells using CMOS-Based DEP Microfluidics
H. Matbaechi Ettehad, Ch. Wenger, Micromachines 12(3), 270 (2021)
Accurate Program/Verify Schemes of Resistive Switching Memory (RRAM) for In-Memory Neural Network Circuits
V. Milo, A. Glukhov, E. Perez, C. Zambelli, N. Lepri, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, P. Olivo, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68(8), 3832 (2021)
Optimized Programming Algorithms for Multilevel RRAM in Hardware Neural Networks
V. Milo, F. Anzalone, C. Zambelli, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, O.G. Ossorio, P. Olivo, Ch. Wenger, D. Ielmini, Proc. International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2021), (2021)
Performance Assessment of Amorphous HfO2-based RRAM Devices for Neuromorphic Applications
O.G. Ossorio, G. Vinuesa, H. Garcia, B. Sahelices, S. Duenas, H. Castan, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, Ch. Wenger, ECS Transactions 102(2), 29 (2021)
Performance Assessment of Amorphous HfO2-Based RRAM Devices for Neuromorphic Applications
O.G. Ossorio, G. Vinuesa, H. Garcia, B. Sahelices, S. Dueñas, H. Castan, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, Ch. Wenger, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 10(8), 083002 (2021)
A Versatile, Voltage-Pulse Based Read and Programming Circuit for Multi-Level RRAM Cells
S. Pechmann, T. Mai, M. Völkel, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, M. Reichenbach, Ch. Wenger, A. Hagelauer, Electronics (MDPI) 10(5), 530 (2021)
Advanced Temperature Dependent Statistical Analysis of Forming Voltage Distributions for Three Different HfO2-Based RRAM Technologies
E. Perez, D. Maldonado, C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, F. Jimenez-Molinos, J.B. Roldan, Ch. Wenger, Solid State Electronics 176, 107961 (2021)
Optimization of Multi-Level Operation in RRAM Arrays for In-Memory Computing
E. Perez, A.J. Perez-Avila, R. Romero-Zaliz, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, J.B. Roldan, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, Electronics (MDPI) 10(9), 1084 (2021)
Toward Reliable Compact Modeling of Multilevel 1T-1R RRAM Devices for Neuromorphic Systems
E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, R. Romero-Zaliz, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, J. Reuben, M.A. Schubert, F. Jimenez-Molinos, J.B. Roldan, Ch. Wenger, Electronics (MDPI) 10(6), 645 (2021)
Memristive-Based In-Memory Computing: From Device to Large-Scale CMOS Integration
E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, E. Perez, M.K Mahadevaiah, Ch. Wenger, Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 1(2), 024006 (2021)
Variability and Energy Consumption Tradeoffs in Multilevel Programming of RRAM Arrays
E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, Ch. Wenger, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68(6), 2693 (2021)
Study of Quantized Hardware Deep Neural Networks Based on Resistive Switching Devices, Conventional versus Convolutional Approaches
R. Romero-Zaliz, E. Perez, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldan, Electronics (MDPI) 10(3), 346 (2021)
An Analysis on the Architecture and the Size of Quantized Hardware Neural Networks based on Memristors
R. Romero-Zaliz, A. Cantudo, E. Perez, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldan, Electronics (MDPI) 10, 03141 (2021)
Influence of Variability on the Performance of HfO2 Memristor-based Convolutional Neural Networks
R. Romero-Zaliz, E. Perez, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldan, Solid State Electronics 185, 108064 (2021)
A Nonlinear Resistive Switching Behaviors of Ni/HfO2/TiN Memory Structures for Self-rectifying Resistive Switching Memory
M.J. Yun, D. Lee, S. Kim, Ch. Wenger, H.-D. Kim, Materials Characterization 182, 111578 (2021)
Investigation of the Oxidation Behavior of Graphene/Ge(001) Versus Graphene/Ge(110) Systems
F. Akhtar, J. Dabrowski, M. Lisker, Y. Yamamoto, A. Mai, Ch. Wenger, M. Lukosius, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(2), 3188 (2020)
Kinetic Monte Carlo Analysis of Data Retention in Al:HfO2-based Resistive Random Access Memories
S. Aldana, E. Perez, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldan, Semiconductor Science and Technology 35(11), 115012 (2020)
Influence of Temperature on Growth of Graphene on Germanium
A.P. Becker, Ch. Wenger, J. Dabrowski, Journal of Applied Physics 128(4), 045310 (2020)
Effective Reduction of the Programing Pulse Width in Al:HfO2-based RRAM Arrays
O. Gonzalez Osorio, E. Perez, S. Dueñas, H. Castan, H. Garcia, Ch. Wenger, Proc. Joint International EUROSOI Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS 2019), (2020)
AC Electrokinetic Immobilization of Organic Dye Molecules
E.-M. Laux, Ch. Wenger, F.F. Bier, R. Hölzel, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 412, 3859 (2020)
Influence of Specific Forming Algorithms on the Device-to-Device Variability of Memristive Al-Doped HfO2 Arrays
M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez, Ch. Wenger, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 38(1), 013201 (2020)
Dielectrophoretic Immobilization of Yeast Cells using CMOS Integrated Microfluidics
H. Matbaechi Ettehad, P.S. Zarrin, R. Hölzel, Ch. Wenger, Micromachines 11(5), 501 (2020)
Programming Pulse Width Assessment for Reliable and Low-Energy Endurance Performance in Al:HfO2-based RRAM Arrays
E. Perez, O.G. Ossorio, S. Dueñas, H. Castan, H. Garcia, Ch. Wenger, Electronics (MDPI) 9(5), 864 (2020)
Behavioral Modeling of Multilevel HfO2-based Memristors for Neuromorphic Circuit Simulation
A.J. Perez-Avila, G. González-Cordero, E. Perez, E. Perez-Bosch Quesada, M.K. Mahadevaiah, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldan, F. Jimenez-Molinos, Proc. 35th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2020), (2020)
Evaluation of the Sensitivity of RRAM Cells to Optical Fault Injection Attacks
D. Petryk, Z. Dyka, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, I. Kabin, Ch. Wenger, P. Langendörfer, Proc. 23rd EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2020), Special Session: Architecture and Hardware for Security Applications (AHSA), 238 (2020)
Tailoring the Switching Dynamics in Yttrium Oxide-Based RRAM Devices by Oxygen Engineering: From Digital to Multi-Level Quantization toward Analog Switching
S. Petzold, E. Piros, R. Eilhardt, A. Zintler, T. Vogel, N. Kaiser, A. Radetinac, P. Komissinskiy, E. Jalaguier, E. Nolot, Ch. Charpin-Nicolle, Ch. Wenger, L. Molina-Luna, E. Miranda, L. Alff, Advanced Electronic Materials 6(11), 2000439 (2020)
Enhanced Thermal Stability of Yttrium Oxide-Based RRAM Devices with Inhomogeneous Schottky-Barrier
E. Piros, S. Petzold, A. Zintler, N. Kaiser, T. Vogel, R. Eilhardt, Ch. Wenger, L. Molina-Luna, L. Alff, Applied Physics Letters 117(1), 013504 (2020)
Role of Oxygen Defects in Conductive-Filament Formation in Y2O3-Based Analog RRAM Devices as Revealed by Fluctuation Spectroscopy
E. Piros, M. Lonsky, S. Petzold, A. Zintler, S.U. Sharath, T. Vogel, N. Kaiser, R. Eilhardt, L. Molina-Luna, Ch. Wenger, J. Müller, L. Alff, Physical Review Letters 14(3), 034029 (2020)
Toward a Reliable Synaptic Simulation using Al-Doped HfO2 RRAM
S. Roy, G. Niu, Q. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Wu, S. Zhai, P. Shi, S. Song, Z. Song, Z.-G. Ye, Ch. Wenger, T. Schroeder, Y.-H. Xie, X. Meng, W. Luo, W. Ren, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(9), 10648 (2020)
Analogue Pattern Recognition with Stochastic Switching Binary CMOS-Integrated Memristive Devices
F. Zahari, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, H. Kohlstedt, Ch. Wenger, M. Ziegler, Scientific Reports 10, 14450 (2020)
Reliability of Logic-in-Memory Circuits in Resistive Memory Arrays
T. Zanotti, C. Zambelli, F.M. Puglisi, V. Milo, E. Perez, M.K. Mahadevaiah, O.G. Ossorio, Ch. Wenger, P. Pavan, P. Olivo, D. Ielmini, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 67(11), 4611 (2020)
Epileptic Seizure Detection using a Neuromorphic-Compatible Deep Spiking Neural Network
P.S. Zarrin, R. Zimmer, Ch. Wenger, T. Masquelier, Proc. International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2020), in: Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, Springer, LNBI 12108, 389 (2020)
Implementation of Siamese-Based Few-Shot Learning Algorithms for the Distinction of COPD and Asthma Subjects
P.S. Zarrin, Ch. Wenger, Proc. 29th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2020), in: Information and Communications Security, Springer, LNCS 12396, 431 (2020)
In-Vitro Classification of Saliva Samples of COPD Patients and Healthy Controls using Machine Learning Tools
P.S. Zarrin, N. Roeckendorf, Ch. Wenger, IEEE Access 8, 168053 (2020)
Neuromorphic On-Chip Recognition of Saliva Samples of COPD and Healthy Controls using Memristive Devices
P.S. Zarrin, F. Zahari, M.K. Mahadevaiah, E. Perez, H. Kohlstedt, Ch. Wenger, Scientific Reports 10, 19742 (2020)