Ulrich Rohde receives Honorary Senator Award
The President of the German Armed Forces University in Munich, Merith Niehuss, presents the university's highest award to Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult Ulrich L. Rohde: the Honorary Senator Award. The committee was particularly impressed by Professor Rohde's contributions to promoting and shaping electrical engineering in the field of high frequencies and his many years of dedication to academic teaching. Furthermore, his numerous patents, more than 60 scientific publications and five books are proof of Rohde's great enthusiasm for radio engineering - a passion that he shares with his father, Dr. Lothar Rohde, one of the company's two founders.
Born in Munich, Rohde studied electrical engineering in the 1960s and began his professional career as a development engineer. From 1968 to 1974, he held the position of Technical Director for Military Communications Systems at AEG Telefunken Ulm. He has been a partner at Rohde & Schwarz since 1973. From 1974 to 1982, he served as Head of the Rohde & Schwarz subsidiary in Fairfield / USA. Subsequently, he worked as Managing Director of the Radiocommunications Systems field of business at RCA. In 1985, he took over the reins at Compact Software, which he led until 1997. In addition, he serves as Chairman of Synergy Microwave. Now 69 years old, he is currently Honorary Professor for High Frequency and Microwave Engineering at the university in Cottbus (Germany), and he carries the title of Full and Guest Professor many times over at universities in the USA and Europe.
Prof. Rohde received the prestigious "Golden Badge of Honor " from the TU Munich, Germany.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde appointed to honory senator at Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus
On 19th October 2011, the president of Brandenburg Technical University Prof. Walter Ch. Zimmerli has awarded the highest honors to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult Ulrich L. Rohde by appointing him to honory senator of BTU Cottbus. With this outstanding distinction
for Prof. Rohde, the university pays tribute to his high commitment for the university. Prof. Rohde, an US citizen, born 1940 in Munich, Germany, privately financed an endowment chair Radio Frequency and Microwave Techniques, including the professor's salary, a full secretary position, and a generous start-up package for the latest measurement equipment. The total cost for this support is 4 million euro. Since October 2009 the endowed professorship is headed by Prof. Matthias Rudolph, an expert in RF and microwave technology.
President Zimmerli emphasized the commitment of Prof. Rohde for BTU Cottbus: "Prof. Rohde is one of the pioneers in his research field, and he should be seen as a role model for hopefully many others to come, who would be very desirable to have for our university. He used his private fortune to support BTU Cottbus and by doing so he gives it back to society. It would be excellent if such exceptional support would become more common in Germany, as it already is at many leading universities in the US." Zimmerli further states that it would have been impossible for Brandenburg to finance such a professorship at the moment. "The RF technology and equipment is very expensive."
Prof. Rohde not only provides huge financial support to the university, he also is teaching since many years as a guest professor and since 2002 as honorary professor. This ensures that the students at BTU benefit from his exceptional expertise in electrical engineering, circuits, and RF and microwave technology. Prof. Rohde, an IEEE fellow, has written several books in that fields and he has published extensively in
highly ranked scientific journals. In addition, he is inventor on 50 patents. He is co-owner of the globally operating company Rohde & Schwarz, one of the leading companies for products and services in the fields of measurement equipment, RF and communication technologies.
The Ulrich-Rohde-endowment chair Radio Frequency and Microwave Techniques at BTU Cottbus belongs to the Institute of Electronics and Information Technology at Faculty 1 - Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, Electronics and Informations techniques. Prof. Rohde studied electrical engineering in Munich and Darmstadt, Germany. In 2004 he got a German earned Dr. Ing. with the topic "Design of low noise microwave oscillators" from the Technical University Berlin, with highest distinction.
Ulrich L. Rohde elected as an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
The plenary session of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities has elected the businessman and scientist Ulrich L. Rohde as an honorary member.
By electing him as an honorary member, the members acknowledged the outstanding contribution that Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde has made to the Academy, in particular in the area of the promotion of young academics. Ulrich Rohde assists the Academy in its efforts to increase its promotion of young talent, including by way of individual support, workshops and presentations for students and graduates of Bavarian universities. In particular, he supports the Junge Kolleg [Young Scholars' Program], which was established by the Academy in 2010 and offers new career paths to young academic talents.
Rohde was born in Munich and studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and the Darmstadt Institute of Technology from 1962 to 1966. Since 1973, he has been a partner at Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, which is based in Munich and has around 8,400 employees in over 70 countries. In addition, from 1974 to 1982 he served as President of the Rohde & Schwarz subsidiary in Fairfield (USA), and then in 1982 he moved to RCA Corp. in Camden (USA). After leaving there in 1985, he founded the company Compact Software, Inc. in Paterson (USA), which he headed until 1997. He is currently the Chairman of Synergy Microwave Corp., a company which he founded in 1982. He lives in the USA.
Rohde is one of the pioneers of high frequency technology and has published around 200 scientific papers and many textbooks. In 1977 he became Professor for Electrical Engineering at the University of Florida, Gainsville (USA), and in 1982 he moved to become Professor for High Frequency and Information Technology at George Washington University. In addition, he is honorary senator of Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus and the Bundeswehr University Munich, and a guest lecturer at the Technical University of Munich. He has been appointed an honorary doctor and honorary professor by numerous foreign universities.
Ulrich L. Rohde is currently the second honorary member of the Academy, alongside Franz, Duke of Bavaria, who was elected an honorary member in 1999.
Founded in 1759, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences is one of the largest and oldest of Germany's academies. With around 330 staff, it is both an association of scholars and a leading international research institution. The Academy conducts fundamental research in the humanities and natural sciences, with a focus on long-term aims which will provide the basis for further research and secure the onward transmission of cultural heritage. It is also home to the Leibniz Computing Center, one of the largest supercomputing centers in Germany, as well as to the Walther Meißner Institute for Low Temperature Research. Since 2010 it has operated a Young Scholars Program for outstanding young academics in Bavaria.
News 210/4 Rohde & Schwarz Professor Rohde receives honorary membership
In recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h. c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde was selected as an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities by its plenary assembly in late 2013. Article
Dr. Ulrich Rohde received the 2014 C.B. Sawyer Award
"For the development of PC software now allowing nonlinear noise analysis of RF circuit and the founding of Synergy Microwave, including the design and manufacture of ultra-low noise sources, RF components and subsystems exhibiting state-of-the-art performance" Article
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde was selected Honorary Professor at IIT Delhi
Based on his many years of work and teaching in India Prof. Dr.-Ing.
habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde was selected Honorary Professor
at IIT Delhi. The group IIT group are the equivalent of the USA based MIT. Brief
Ms. Anisha Apte won the first prize of the Student Design Competition: Low Phase Noise X-band Oscillators at the IEEE Intl. Microwave Symposium 2014.
Ms. Anisha Apte won the 3rd place award of the Student Paper Competition at the IEEE Benjamin Franklin Symposium on Microwave and Antenna Subsystems2014 with her paper "A novel low-noise X-band Oscillator". Award
Prof. Ulrich L. Rohde received the 2014 IEEE Region 1 AwardBrief
The IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium honors Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde, a honoraray member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Link
Prof. Ulrich L. Rohde of the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, partner of Rohde & Schwarz Munich, is the recipient of the "C.B. Sawyer Memorial Award" was honored at the 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium May 19-24 in Taiwan. The award recognizes "entrepreneurship or leadership in the frequency control community; or outstanding contributions in the development, production or characterization of resonator materials or structures."
The Symposium specifically recognized Rohde "for the development of PC software now allowing nonlinear noise analysis of RF circuit and the founding of Synergy Microwave, including the design and manufacture of ultra-low noise sources, RF components and subsystems exhibiting state-of-the-art performance". Award
Prof. Rohde also has been selected as the 2015 IFCS I.I. Rabi Award recipient to be presented at the 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum in Denver, Colo., April 12-16, 2015.
The I. I. Rabi Award is to recognize outstanding contributions related to the fields of atomic and molecular frequency standards, and time transfer and dissemination.
The citation for the award is as follows, "For intellectual leadership, selection and measurement of resonator structures for implementation in high performance frequency sources, essential to the determination of atomic resonance." Link
Prof. Rohde and his team are currently working on Möbius Strips and Metamaterial Theory and Applications. A series of summary papers were published in "Microwave Journal". Article
Oradea University message to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde's 75th Anniversary Message
Prof. Rohdes presentation at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Munich Article
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) has awarded the 2016 Microwave Application Award to Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde ArticleLink
The Center of Excellence at the Bundeswehr University in Munich was founded on 26 February 2016. Article
MTT-S Microwave Application Award AwardLink
Prof. Rohde has received the Microwave Application Award "for significant contributions to the improvement fo low-nosie oscillators". Photo
Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde to Receive Distinguished Achievement Award from IEEE AP-S
Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde will receive the Distinguished Achievement Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society this summer. Award, Link
Prof. Ulrich L. Rohde has won the 2017 Cady Award for pioneering research, development, and commercialization of signal generating and processing devices for commercial and scientific applications.
The W. G. Cady Award is to recognize outstanding contributions related to the fields of piezoelectric or other classical frequency control, synthesis and measurement; and resonant sensor devices. This award is sponsored by the IEEE UFFC society. The recipients are selected by the IFCS/EFTF Joint Program Committee. Link
The Wireless Innovation Forum, a non-profit international industry association dedicated to driving the future of radio communications and systems worldwide, announced the winners of their annual Achievement Awards.
The Leadership Award (formerly the International Achievement award) was given to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde, partner of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG., Munich, and chairman of Synergy Microwave Corp. Link
In January 2024, Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde was appointed “Fellow of Industry Academy” in the high-profile “International Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance” based in Hong Kong. The International Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance has a network of strong partnerships across the world to promote the development of and innovation for applications of artificial intelligence. Their membership of over 3,000 academicians and scientists possess extensive expertise and a wealth of research achievements. They offer cutting-edge technological insights and drive innovative research forward. The Alliance provides educational programs and events worldwide to drive research and innovation. Article